Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Why Do Throats Hurt Worse At Night

Here are some current and former students of Martin Road were counted as its passes through the workshops he teaches.

"The search for a social space led me to Martin Road and theater workshop. They play, improvisation, laughter, the nerve, became a secured instance once a week. Art and learning were introduced to me almost without thinking. And I was glad much feel that the performance offered me more than I expected. "Mariana Inés

Cocuzza, student.

"There is a before and after in the life of a person doing theater. Martin Hand in hand with their classes and their scenes, I discovered a lot of aspects of myself that were hidden, disguised or not understood. An amazing experience worth the shore. " Nicholas Gazzano, a former student.

"Creativity and spontaneity were the pillars that nurtured me during my participation in the workshops. Hard not to smile, remembering the show and work in which I participated. Martin thank you very much. "Federico Poire, a former student.

"The experience of having no experience in drama classes and take it, is that one learns to make a fool of myself and enjoying it, knowledge is absorbed differently and the art is incorporated spontaneously. Is a viable means for anyone who wants to live unique and unrepeatable situations, like an improvisation. "Analía Lema, a former student.

"My experience has been, and remains still very pleasant. I found that the theater is one of the things I connect with myself and I have learned not only to "act" but it also helped me to be better person in all aspects. This journey, from the hand of Roads is, without exaggeration, sensational. "Cynthia Plencovich, student.

"Martin: I came to your classes
theater almost accidentally, through a series of fortunate events" who are well aware, these events made me start this wonderful path of learning in which we conduct yourselves wisely with great dedication, creativity, restraint, freedom, patience, emotion, respect, humor and above all things with love.
Whenever the daily madness of this hyper-kinetic world gives me a break and I think, is that you are a teacher, writer, actor, and fundamentally as a human being, which has been growing in me a passion for theater that - so far to meet you - I never knew existed in me. Therefore I have only to say: Thank you! "Sergio Kaspierowicz
, student.

"Two incredible years, Martin has a remarkable facility for teaching, having fun and forming groups where, regardless of age, all find their place within it." Damian Majan, a former student.

"The drama workshop is a highly recommended experience, is a space that made me connect with me and my feelings. Travel joy, sadness, absurdity, anger, goodness, badness, I think that brings us out a little black or white and see the nuances that sometimes hard to see, apart from being very funny and have been lucky to meet a teacher and a group of wonderful people. "Pamela Urruzola, student.

"For me to make some moves in the comic performance meant a challenge, who does not know if I could adjust, but with patience on the part of Martin I think I went through with dignity, but more importantly I really enjoyed it. I have one big thank you "Liliana Saguín, a former student.

" I had never seen the theater as an activity for me. My studies and hobbies are always oriented toward the sciences. My books have always been of mathematical and physical, and my films, science fiction. I was not materialistic, but I can say yes deterministic. 3 years ago I had a turn in life, and the theater, I discovered the emotional part y. .. I like. "Miguel A. Tamashiro, student.

" I found in Martin's workshop space that filled my spirit of camaraderie, humor and happiness. "Haydee Queirolo, student.