Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Can Uterine Polyps Cause Sciatica Pain

upcoming Teacher Appreciation Fernando Martinez Monroy

Intercontinental University recognize the merit

teaching three of his most outstanding teachers

• La Universidad Intercontinental (UIC) provides a teacher to merit recognition Fernando Martinez and Vivian Monroy Romeu for their academic career at this institution.

• This event is part of the activities of the University Senate XL to be held on 18 August in the University Auditorium Universitatis Campus of UIC.

Universidad Intercontinental (UIC) will hold its University Senate XL, which will have among its major events to recognize the educational merit of three of its most outstanding teachers and give the medal "Ducit et Docete" the best students of the generation that graduated. XL

The University Senate, which will be held on August 18 at 19 pm in University Auditorium Universitatis Campus (Santa Ursula Xitle) - also pay the activity report 2009-2010 and taught a master class in charge of Mr. Eric J. Torrescano Valley.

Stresses Teaching Merit recognition that the UIC will Monroy and Vivian Martínez Fernando Romeu by the academic trajectory of both teachers at this institution; and a special prize to Xavier Robles for his career in the Mexican film industry.

It is worth noting that Fernando Martinez Monroy teaches at UIC the subject drama, which is part of the MA in Scriptwriting. In this regard, it is proposed that students understand the concepts that define the drama, in the dimensions that constitute it, from the definition of drama as the universal, generic and stylistic forms as the particular and the work itself as individual to have a clear view of the systematic nature of the work itself is generated and that make the theory of Drama

This theory has its support in the reflective work begun in the first instance by Rodolfo Usigli, later developed by Luisa Josefina Hernández and now enriched by Fernando Martinez Monroy. This theoretical work has developed continuously over more than four decades into the Faculty of Arts of the UNAM (FFyL) and is one of the most solid contributions arising from the race in Dramatic Literature and Theatre FFyL .

"How could we know it again if you do not know what is important? How can we pretend to innovate if they ignore what the media? All innovation depends on what exists. The artists do not work to innovate but to rediscover, from elsewhere, what in the world, others lit up before, "notes Martinez Monroy to reflect on the subject he is teaching at UIC.

The company's founder also Apeiron Theatre, mentions that "the characteristics of the individuals highlighted when they are related and were compared with individuals of the same species. The theory only concrete in the conscious practice of knowledge about the object. If the musicians, dancers, artists, singers, architects know to be educated and exercises to master the technique, why do people in theater, television and film claims that it can dominate the scene from their ideas, regardless the nature of its subject? "

" Art is not an imposition, "says fellow professor at the UNAM, but discovery. The actor, director and playwright have to learn to be free in the nature of his art. The creative freedom is achieved through knowledge. The artist is a lifelong student. The artist would not say never 'this does not work. " If you have been great, we must look back at his work. We should all strive to our education. "

Finally, he notes that the playwright in our country abounds reflective look to the theater phenomenon from a historical perspective, but badly needed contributions theoretical.

About Fernando Martinez Monroy, note that a degree in Dramatic Literature and Theater from UNAM, a Ph.D. candidate in Philosophy from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Fellow "Salvador Novo" of the Mexican Center of Writers in the Field of Drama for two consecutive periods (1986-1987), (1987-1988). He received the National Fine Arts Fellowship, National Institute of Fine Arts, also in the area of \u200b\u200bdrama, (1989-1990).

was Associate Professor at the Department of Luisa Josefina Hernández since 1987, in FFyL UNAM, who replaced in the subjects: Drama Theory and Composition Workshop Dramatic, with a degree in Dramatic Literature and Theater / UNAM.

is also Professor at the National School of Dramatic Arts National Institute of Fine Arts and the Centro Universitario de Teatro (CUT). Apeiron

Theatre is a drama group formed in 1997 from and about the work that Fernando Martinez Monroy has developed as a stage creator, based on research on theory of drama that he has continued in line generated by the playwright, Theoretical novelist Luisa Josefina Hernández.