Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Removing Dog Warts On Mouth


Speaker: Jorge A. Caballero Vega.

THE CLOWN is a form of action based on comic and humorous game that relies on body language, gesture and musical in turn enables a direct and active dialogue with the public.

Objective: know the basics of the art of clowning to build and develop comic and humorous situations.
To: theater people, musicians and artists in general who want to see how art of clowning.
Duration: 15 sessions of three hours.
Hours: Sundays from 13:00 hrs. to 16:00 hrs.
Home: March 20, 2011.
Cost: $ 2,400.00
Reports on: info@apeironteatro.org
or 55 74 14 18 or 044 55 15 83 78 39 with Oscar Flores.
The course will be held on: "THEATER APEIRON HEADQUARTERS, Monterrey 319, Col. Roma Sur,
(Entre Av Baja California and Tepic. Metro Chilpancingo and Medical Center. Metrobus Chilpancingo.)


CORPORALITY clear and precise.
- Directional - Cardinal points.
- stage presence.
- Body language.
- Conversations with the body.
- Display shares.

- Rhythm
- Pause.
- Pulse.
- Intensity.
- Stairs rhythm.
- Musical Dialogues.
- Change of pace.

- Every action has a reaction.
- delayed reactions.
- delayed.
- Dissociation of shares.

- The look of the clown
- Observing the events that occur on the stage and audience area.
- Game Development from what happens in the moment in which it operates.
- Reacting and play with the public.
- Show
- Parts of a sketch.
- Build conflicts and problems.
- A clown's character.
- Rule of Three.
- Development of games and comic situations. Jorge A.

Caballero Vega.

Actor, clown and playwright who graduated from the race in Dramatic Literature and Theatre de la UNAM. An active member of the theater group Apeiron Theatre since 2002. Has been a student of the masters Fernando Martinez Monroy, Jesus Diaz, Alicia Martinez and Anatoli Lokatchtchouk. He received the following awards: Award Sergio Magana, Start Drama for the APT (2009) for the play "The Treasury that no one has seen but everyone longs" and the scholarship of FONCA Performing Artists 2009, Art clown.
Some of the works in which he has participated are: "The Song of the lily", "The clown that" "The nights lost. Enhumoradas "under the direction of Jesús Díaz. "Manuscript" directed by Jacqueline Serafin. "Pierrot Lunaire" "The thousand voices of the Dragon", directed by Esteban Montes Miranda. "Equinox," "The strongest and the weakest. Two chronic delusions, "" The treasure that no one has seen but everyone longs "directed by Fernando Martinez Monroy. "Concherto Grosso", author and director: Jorge A. Caballero Vega.