Monday, June 23, 2008

Motion Sensorlight Diagram


Wednesday June 18, 2008

THEATER The House of Bernarda Alba
A version of the work, the great English writer

From Saturday June 7, locals have the opportunity to see a renewed version of Federico García Lorca's classic "La Casa de Bernarda Alba."
The play, written in 1936, tells the story of a woman that her husband's death, mourning decreed a number of years during which she and her daughters confined at home, leaving him just to go to church or shopping.

The story is based on a true story and that Garcia Lorca was a neighbor of a family that lived this situation and is starting to look at the window of the house of the writer, who weaves this plot of semificción where a real and objective, easily found just by watching it gives rise to a set of subjective experiences of the imagination of the author.

In this staging the alternate director just the looks, the objective and subjective, from mobile scenery where you play with what happens inside the house and what is seen from the abroad.
The director also includes a character, a dancer embodies the passion underlying the original work tacitly and in this staging has the body and gives life to conflicts.

La Casa de Bernarda Alba with direction and staging of Juan Manuel Sodorini has a unique role on Saturdays at 20:30 pm at the Theatre Variety Concert on Avenida Corrientes 1218. MIGUEL

CHIRICO - newspaper Clarin.


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