Sunday, August 23, 2009

Mount & Blade 1.011


DOMINGO 11 DE ABRI revival, 19hs, Caliban Theatre :
slow motion
Caliban Theatre: Mexico 1428

The Sunday to 19.00 pm, at the Teatro Caliban -Mexico PB 1428. 5 - presents the play "Slow Motion" written by Eduardo "Tato" Pavlovsky.

Cast: Fabian Bobbio, and Romina Lescano Armando Segui.
lighting and staging: Emiliano Montes.
Coordination: Sergio Baratucci

"Slow Motion" Tato Pavlovsky "Slow Motion part metaphorical, obliquely the experience of the dictatorship .... The story of a face is the story of the beatings, the scars "


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