Thursday, April 29, 2010

Electric Wheelchair With Headrest

Yawar Yawar Yawar

writes: Carlos Thomas Temoche You change


're right, most heroines that our mothers who do hundreds of the pot to stop juggling and walking our having to invent their survival strategies, however, is suppressed by municipal police and even steal your merchandise. Over here the media make heroes and heroines bataclanas the TV, and if stolen or fall into these heroes cane mud, give stellar touch tv. So we recommend Bruno Ortiz, before releasing "Hostage," which Susan Anali Cabrera León or make a fuss, you'll see that fill the rooms .. images of this married couple, freeze our temples of emotion and shatter our way of thinking about true love and solidarity. They are right who say that there are pictures worth a thousand words. thanks for sending, I share. Thomas

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say say their first inhabitants came from the jungle. As if responding to a ritual of life is settled in the basins of the rivers Huallaga and Marañón Pachitea. Its name comes from the guanaco auquénido. Hence comes the presence of man and culture Lauricocha oldest of America: Cotosh, the enigmatic hands clasped behind only Caral in antiquity. Perhaps
Tantamayo Huanuco was buried the conquered by the Incas, where they settled in Huanucopampa on the heights, challenging condors. Huanuco was the transitional phase of the Incas of Cuzco to Cajamarca.

Gómez de Alvarado y Contreras, on behalf of the King of Spain on August 15, 1539 founded the city of León de Huánuco. Huánuco was one of the major cities to promote the independence of Peru, there were uprisings in Huamalies, Huallanca and Ambo.

Of course, Huánuco has men and women of: Guaman Poma de Ayala, Amarilis, Daniel Alomía Robles, Esteban Pavletich, Javier Pulgar Vidal, Leoncio Prado Gutierrez, Juan José Crespo y Castillo, Herminio Valdizán and many more.


would be commendable to have a history of Huanuco theater originally I only know that now are present in different independent theater events: exhibitions, workshops, Festtas, Festepys, Esteban Pavletich, Festin, etc..
most representative groups in order of seniority are sobretablas, Aguas Vivas, Columbine and now my friend Stephen has achieved Tonconi build a Cultural Center. Are the most representative. Living Waters Theatre Festival organized by the School and from Esteban Pavletich UGEL, Maria Trujillo has invited us to make this TRAINING SEMINAR TEACHING IN THEATRE AND DRAMATIC ACTIVITIES. Other playwrights who connect with me are Faust, dear friend and fellow Jesenia, also I contact the group Iván Vélez Zeus, an old man of the theater, puppetry today. Also today, Wednesday 28 April I should contact Esteban Salinas and Fernando Solorzano Tonconi.

Murga I go to Teodoro Cardenas specialist mask making and Leonardo Alegre Timothy bodily expression of AC Yawar.



The themes are developed with audiovisual support. The traditional school is seriously ill, the games have been relegated to holidays or weekend. In a city of cement is difficult to find free spaces. You have to wait for the holiday programs useful. Also the games are banned in the classroom on the ground that is the subject of disorder and disrespect for the teacher. Many are not aware that the United Nations have stated that there is also the right to recreation.
Then, we develop creative holiday programs with children we are immobilized, passive, used to being mechanically concepts, dates, predominantly rote education, with few exceptions to the rule.
However, the game, the playful elements are important in the child's life in the biological, sociological and psychological.


develop the following items

1. Nature of drama.
2. Theatre and History.
3. Children and dramatic creation.
4. The theater as a language.
5. The conversion of the child viewer actor:

a. Understanding the body as a source of sound and movement.
b. Turn the body expressive.
c. The theater as a language.




Source - Application - Puppets in Peruvian history - Elements of a puppet show - Structure of dramatic play.


Overview - Objectives - Technical Tips methodology.


Importance of music education.


1. Never criticize the personality of the child artists.
2. Respect individuality. Stimulate creativity.
3. Creativity and imagination are natural heritage of all humans, only
must give way, make flow.
4. The theater is an art of the moment.
5. The man who does not express itself artistically is an incomplete being, the men in the tribes
, sing, dance, body paint, decorate their tools and possibilities -
probably do not know the neurosis or depression .



Mass communication and the phenomenon of globalization is not a current phenomenon, Palaeolithic man used and forms of communication sensory.
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These are just the statement of issues to develop in scale over the three days, are supplemented with exercises, games, dynamic and improvisational theater.

be developed puppet puppets, paper masks of the characters in works that begin to be mounted parallel to the development of theoretical issues. Also learn two songs in the Peruvian native instrument: tarka.

BIBLIOGRAPHY: Also being offered the collection of Juan Rivera Saavedra: Amen - Selected Works of theater - Pieces Breves - Oppressed and squeezed - Techniques for writing a play social-science fiction tales.

The Book Puqllay Yawar - Games and exercises pre - dramatic and theatrical makeup videos ..

A Viada all from Huanuco, the city of eternal spring

Monday, April 26, 2010

24 Hr Laundromat, Manhattan

News 12 News 11 News 10


Evo Slaves in times

By James O'Donnell

In the Bolivian Chaco, near the border with Argentina and Paraguay, about 600 families currently living Guarani under conditions of contemporary forms of slavery. Says so, with all the letters, a report by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), released today.

course the Bolivian Chaco is not the only place on earth, or the region, even in Bolivia, where slavery is practiced. According to the International Labor Organization, Latin America and the Caribbean, the incidence of forced labor victims is 2.5 per thousand inhabitants. But the case of the Bolivian Chaco is perhaps the most blatant and premeditated, or merely the best documented. According to the commission, the practice of slavery in this area have been ongoing more than a century, "the passivity of regional and international authorities."

What is striking is that four years of the most progressive in the region have not been able to reverse this situation. It is the government's first indigenous president in Latin America, and emerging symbol of the political struggles of social movements. Undoubtedly a government committed to the rights of indigenous peoples, which carries out the most radical land reform throughout the region.

This government has failed to end slavery in their own country, and create conditions for the Bolivian Chaco Guarani people can survive with dignity. Not that I did not try.

The IACHR report details the series of initiatives taken by the government of Morales for the Chaco Guarani, but also how various factors and actors conspire against such measures to make them slightly less than useless, and in some cases counterproductive to the interests of its intended beneficiaries.

put it wrong and soon the slave enclaves are located in territory controlled by the opposition. For that reason, the interest of landowners to maintain the status quo claim merges with the autonomy that the opposition used to obstruct the government's reforms.

Lined after the cause of opposition, farmers resist by force any attempt by the government to check abuses in situ and redistribute land for the Guarani. The situation is complicated because these farmers also form part of the political elite that governs the region. As the presence of the Bolivian state in the Chaco is almost zero, are those farmers who control the administration of justice and security.

The Commission noted that this control extends to the movement of the inhabitants of the region because most roads are crossed by gates with lock and chain, because the landowners claim them as their own. And

all this adds to the racial factor. The slaves are all Guarani and their patrons are all white. This in a country which has just approved a multi-national Constitution that recognizes the autonomy of indigenous peoples.

According to the IACHR, the practice of slavery in the Chaco were encouraged for decades by the Bolivian government, which stripped indigenous people of their land to give to big landowners. Land reform in the 50s, which transformed the whole country, went almost unnoticed in the Chaco, where the local elite managed to preserve its privileges.

"Indeed, the reform in some respects strengthened economic and political power of farmers in the Chaco, which had strong links with the ruling party, "says the report. "The Guarani were forced to submit to the conditions imposed because they had no access to their own territory, which would enable them to sustain themselves."

Without land in the poorest region of South America's poorest country, the Guarani were forced to undergo miserable payments in exchange for endless days. "Working hours are usually over 12 hours a day, and in many cases are assigned to perform a specific job must be completed on the day of slaughter, which normally is unenforceable. Guarani man Itacuatía community narrated that: "When I was a kid, I got up to go to work at three in the morning because before the bell was to work at that time '... Other witnesses confirmed that the payment they received was minimal and the treatment they received was degrading, "the report said.

That regime inevitably leads to indebtedness and submission. "The debt situation is generated through registration with the patterns of their workers in a notebook where they record their name, their activities, the advances made in kind or money given in return to work developed. This notebook is the only document to perform the 'arrangements' that are made, and in almost all cases workers are owing to the employer. This creates obligations to future work, a situation that can be lifelong and even passed down from generation to generation, "says the commission.

In this situation, corporal punishment and child labor are common, the commission found: "During the visits in 2006 and 2008, the Committee noted and even heard testimony related to events Guarani physical abuse by 'lashed' (lashes), burning their death of their crops and animals as punishment for 'disobedience'. In the words of a man Itacuatía, 'they treat us with sticks and whip ... we always knew whip, maltreat. These acts of violence have always existed '. "

All this would be reversed with the coming to power of Evo Morales. This government passed in 2006 an agrarian reform law by which the slave estates should be confiscated and handed over to indigenous peoples. But when the technicians of the National Institute of Agrarian Reform in the Chaco were presented to the land reclamation, were beaten to death by ranchers.

also came INRA to fail in two cases in favor of the Guarani. INRA's decision was supported by the Land Court created by the new Constitution to settle land ownership disputes. But the landowners appealed the decision of Land Court to the Constitutional Court, authority also included in the new Constitution. As the Constitutional Court has not yet been constituted, the disputed land still in the hands of plantation owners and slavery-like practices continue.

The low level of literacy of the Guarani and the difficulties they face in accessing justice services are another obstacle that the government has not yet been solved. In 2007 Morales signed a decree to release a plan to improve health, education and access to justice in the Bolivian Chaco, but it is an action whose results can be seen in the medium term.

The Prosecution of the region is shown permeable to the political influence of farmers. Just opened an official investigation into the practice of slavery after a scathing report of the Commission in 2006. But in that investigation the prosecutor entered the estate accompanied by local politicians and questioned their presence to victims. As in these conditions intimidating no one dared to say a peep, the prosecutor concluded that all landowners pay salary and bonus and gave a dignified treatment of employees. The case was filed.

According to the report published this week, the Morales administration's policies to reverse the practice of slavery in the Chaco had the unintended effect of dividing and weakening the Guarani. Some went to the farms and formed independent communities, which subsist in squalid conditions. Others stayed on the estates of their own volition, others were in exchange for the payment of alleged debts, others wanted to leave but could not, others were driven by wanting to organize.

"According to various sources, many Guarani were expelled by the landowners as a result of process consolidation taking place in their respective areas and in retaliation for their participation in the Guarani People's Assembly. The Commission received testimony indicating that the situation is very precarious Guarani expelled because no place to live and grow where the minimum to ensure their livelihood, "says the report.

At this juncture, given the balance of power to expropriate land from farmers slave and return them to the Guarani, Evo Morales should send the army to invade the Chaco, which is equivalent to burning the country.

The alternative is to set clear policies and institutions to allow act, even though many of these institutions are co-opted, colonized, malfunction, do not exist or are only on paper. Morales seems to have chosen this path, longer and more uncertain, depending on the national interest.

Meanwhile, everything is as it was then for the slave families in the Bolivian Chaco. Or perhaps worse, by the brutal response of farmers to the government's reform measures. And slaves known even in times of Evo.

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writes: Carlos Thomas Temoche You change


foot, at the end of his presentation, he reaped the cast Bolivian Teatro de los Andes, which first arrived in Lima thanks to the efforts of UCSUR Festival. The final party closed the V Festival yesterday, Saturday 24 April in the beautiful auditorium Rosa Alarcon of the Universidad Mayor de San Marcos. "Does it hurt?" Is the name of the assembly, which probably will also happen to its successful Bolivian president Evo Morales, the pebble in your shoe that means the presence of slavery in the Chaco, a document attached, sent gently by Carlos Espinoza. The work was premiered in 2007, in Sucre - Bolivia. The text and the address is César Brie. The excellent actors, first class, are Achirica And Danuta Zarzyka Lucas, this fine actress also assumes the completion of a stunning scenery with Christmas lights that simulate a boxing ring. The music is by Lucas. Resolved in a single act, in 15 rounds, a prologue and an epilogue, where the issue is domestic violence in a couple and their children. everyday scenes, not only happen in Bolivia, where the actors convey the dominant ideology of violence as a legacy of all ages. Everything begins with an angelic marriage to the rituals of these times, that of "till death do us part" works as they themselves are separated after fights, insults, physical and psychological abuse. In fact, the woman bears the brunt and is tossed like a rag by the burly husband, who is worse than emolientero lemon. Paradoxically, the images are beautiful and very poetic. They built - through generating words - these textures and then placed the texts. A significant accumulation grotowskiana task. Cores are concatenated with dramatic pictures that hide the technique with great masters. The elements are protein, two chairs and a table is sometimes shelter trench throne, gallows, coffin, etc. It is a masterful assembly techniques grotowskianas with male Andean tradition. They call it the theater of humor and memory. Show strongly telluric where tenderness camouflaged aggression, is the triumph of thanatos - sometimes - the spouses are victims, some perpetrators to their own detriment, to the coyote in the roadrunner. The disappointment for us as spectators invade the empathy we dissociate, but are also behaviors that we have. Here there is no Aristotelian catharsis, crossing the looking-glass and we looked terrified of the perversions that may lead to erroneous human behavior Finally, we say that changes in political order - economic in Bolivia, no sufficient to change the behavior of the people. The group aims to kill ideologies that destroy love and tenderness. Want to end archaic and despair behaviors impeding promising future. Teatro de los Andes, has established a proposed professional aesthetic Bolivian identity and flavor. They say the old utopias wrecked in Latin America, but the Bolivian drama register the individual as an archetype in outline, in colloquial language and teaches us that if the reality changes, the couple must also change.
A Viada all, we're going to Huanuco

Friday, April 23, 2010

Bratz Kidz Manicure Bedroom

writes: Carlos Thomas Temoche You change

UCSUR V FESTIVAL DE TEATRO JORGE Corollary Dubatti always pick up notes to share, but do not use tape recorder, everything is at close range, the Monday April 19 this year, was the Keynote Jorge Dubatti in historic Casona de San Marcos is clear, is not the same listening and watching live Dubatti, famed Argentine playwright, but mostly I get notes at the request of many colleagues inside the country, especially Roberto Palza of Tacna. There was much expectation for its first presence in Lima thanks to the efforts of the UCSUR. confessed at the end of his impeccable grounds intervention was the summary of six volumes on the theme: Philosophy of the Theatre. Notes: - Philosophy of the theater, is a theoretical issue at a time of renewal of the Latin American theater. - To address the road use inductive and locations from theatrical practices in line renewal. - Already Teatrología fields are not only in Europe, the philosophy of Latino theater opens new concepts. - THE THEATRE AS A PROBLEM: - Many in our family, we ask: What do you do?. When it comes to theater at this time we do not know that we are talking about today's finest actors are politicians and journalists of the TV. I saw a sign of invitation to the Church in Paraguay: "Come to the show of faith." I can not see theater in the tv or the internet. So you have to redefine the concept of theater, as the boundaries between art and life disappear. If everything is theater, nothing is theater. For example, today you can see up your child hemorrhoids by the Internet communication is a direct communication, but you can not hug your child. - So you have to redefine the word theater. The theater is something that happens, in the theater events occur. For there to be drama there must first be a meeting of the people: CONVIVIO. - Can not see or feel for the Internet, or film, you can not subterritorizar can not be canned theater. - Second, the generation of poiesis, the foundation of a parallel world with its own rules. Is the alternate reality. Here you install your own logic. At the end live: Convivio and Poiesis. - COROLLARY - If something happens we have to study the event in its historical dimension. - Aristotle knew nothing about theater. "Aristotle and the vampire of Western theater." ( Personally, I disagree with this bold assertion). - the theater as a language: constructor of subjectivities. The theater to communicate, you must first exist. - The theater knows things he does not know the literature, poetry, only known through the theatrical experience: "The theater theater." - Only theater theater people know, is only known when they see on the court. - Theatre as human labor (Marx). - No books theater dedicated to the technicians in the theatrical production process. - The theater company, I can not act for myself and say "how good I am." No solipsism. I can not do things just for the need Covivio. - The theater is part of the living culture. - In a monistic position the theater is an open unit (pluralism). Today there is a broadening of the spectrum of theatrical forms: dance. storytelling, puppetry, mime, perfomence, etc. - Polysemy, combination and the possibility of finding drama in various circumstances of life. - The theatricality is above the theater. The theater uses theatricality. - As an adult, we have a toddler area, an area ontological. TASK THEATRE NOW - to reach a scientific construction the actor, a new scientific construction of the viewer. - The only way to explain the theater is getting into the theatrical event. - There are functions that Levan theater, where nothing happens, no event, no theatrics. - The poetic will rectifying refounding go. The theater is a place for construction of subjectivity, is an abode of habitability, construction of world history, the theater is the construction of signs. - neotecnológicas scenes can spoil if a body is stopped during the screening. --------------------------------------

- THE THEATRE BUILDING AS A TOOL FOR CITIZENSHIP TEACHING. CULTURAL GUIDELINES: - 1980 - Medellín, Colombia, drug trafficking became "The silver cup" (This is called Medellin) in a butcher shop, where life was not worth anything. - The cultural artist was targeted by drug traffickers, in truth was in the middle of three fires: the state, guerrillas, drug traffickers. - The playwrights created networks, young people use theater, dance, music citizenship building projects. In Medellín, despite the characteristics of underdevelopment play areas were created, artistic training. Theater networks, established the goals of building better citizens and better environments for the exercise of citizenship. Moliere, Aristophanes, were nationalized. Teachers were provocative theater, do not work as educators, Brecht, Grotowski, were also discussed. It built a theater outside the traditional centers. There were festivals from our practice. Atheneo Corporation was formed to recognize the other in the process of constant communication. The public was not only passenger but actors in the breathing spaces. METHODOLOGY - Youth learned conflicts between families. In Medellín, the drug is readily available. Channeled their energies into art, methodological processes worked in stages in search of a democratic, inclusive and equitable. As we rode Antigone, a boy was killed and no one dared to raise his corpse, as in the play. STAGES (Shipping only I could point to the flight, Colombians speak very fast): - The body and the voice is recognized. - Awaken the senses. - The body and the voice there. - The body and voice are. - In body and voice mean. - Games stage. - Find scripts themselves. - Search poetic inquiry. - Improvisations, find organic communication with the viewer. - All this was achieved because in Colombia also has taken the ACT Theatre.
----------------------------------------------- MARTHA -------------- Sangregorio (ARGENTINA) IDENTITY AND SUBORDINATE IN THE THEATRE - From the presence of the last dictatorship in Argentina, it appears the theater with new generation who dives back to the writing of history. - Use of oblivion, forgetting is not merely for convenience. - Political Theater, guardian of the memory. Emerging political system against the policy. Development the idea of \u200b\u200bmemory and justice. - subjectivity, are the subjects attached. The political sense of drama. Being young at the time of the dictatorship made you a victim of the same. Torture is the most ferocious of cowardice. The Mothers of Plaza de Mayo, the protagonists of history.
----------------------------------------------- KEIKO -------------------- SERTZEN MATCH OF IMPRO met Keiko in the Tuquito, nowadays it is Pataclaun. He explained various ways of improvisation: Steps: - 1 .- Always say yes to ideas, in this particular world of the clown. 2 .- The other idea is better than mine. 3 .- The first idea is more valuable, not to judge or others or myself. 4 .- Trust everyone, especially myself. - In improvisation there is no time for brainstorming. Improvisation: "Seller of sandwiches in a church," generates many ideas as material for the job: The nuns like the sandwiches or the vendor that allows you to enter the church, the priest got a hold of sandwiches, the SANGUCHEROS is in love with a nun, and so on. - OBJECTIVES ACHIEVED WITH IMPRO IN THE SCHOOLS: - Students learn to work in teams. - Arrive early to class. - Building self-esteem. - Improve relationships family. - In the competition there are no enemies. "The improviser wants to win the match, that's what the public thinks. Is needed - in the call - known actors bring to attract participants and the public. ----------------------------------------------

- not forget, the festival continues with free admission. Today Friday, 23 presented in the Ella Dunbar, Univ of San Marcos, Brazil (Promiscuous Theatre) at 6.00 and 7.00 with two different works and the house in the same room at 10.30. Tomorrow, Saturday the Yuyas make a working demonstration in their local at 3.00 pm At 6:00 pm shows the cast of the UCSUR and majestically close V Festival this fabulous list of Bolivia "Teatro de los Andes" in the Ella Dunbar at 8.00 pm with the work "Does it hurt?" good if you do not see it going to hurt ...
----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- EARTH DAY In December 2009, during the Conference UN Copenhagen, Denmark, the President of the Republic of Bolivia, Evo Morales, was nominated by indigenous organizations to present "The Ten Commandments to save Mother Earth," and from that spot Evo took the opportunity to convene a "Peoples' Global Conference on Climate Change" in Cochabamba in April last week. - "For 500 years, tried to make us disappear. Not only physically, then tried to kill our language, music, food and culture. We work in secret to preserve our knowledge, because we knew that one day would return to the path of balance or Pachakuti." "We split with flags and anthems. But we know that one day there will be no borders, we want to be rebels again, but rebels wisely. We are on that path, we are in the process." These were some of the words of David Choquehuanca, at the start of the conference in Bolivia. Agreements transcendent: the making of a global referendum to define policies to address global warming, also invite developed countries to pay its ecological debt, rather than charge the external debt of developing countries. indigenous organizations in Latin America have proposed the inclusion of their ancestral knowledge on strategies to address the economic crisis.
----------------------------------------------- BOOK ------------------------------- PUQLLAY Yawar - I remain grateful to those who are congratulating me for the effort edited the first volume of "pre-Games and Exercises Drama": A Barricade Eduardo Valentin and Huancayo, who forgot to mention, also Jady Gamero, the two I have been invited to present the book in Huancayo and Trujillo, respectively. Also to Mary Queen of Aqualuna group. Infinite thanks.

A Viada all!

TECAL of Colombia - V Festival

Jorge Dubatti at Casona - V Festival


Thanks: María Laura Velez Puqllay presentation Yawar

Thanks: Rikchary Llacta in the presentation Yawar Puqllay

Yawar on Parade - V Festival

Q `orianka Kilcher Evo Morales at the Conference by climate change.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

South Park Doujinshi Online


writes: Carlos Thomas Temoche You change

(A note) Nausea

civic and social paranoia sparked the storming of the Japanese Embassy, \u200b\u200band a command of one of the two rebel groups in the past decade. Several simultaneous and interlinked stories, occur around triggered this adventure without measuring its tragic consequences. This is the story of the film "Hostage", which on Tuesday April 20, Bruges premiere in the odor of our main theater crowds in Lima, the Segura. Mary Soto made a presentation of the film.

There was much expectation as most players are friends and colleagues in the independent theater. Working with solvents actors, each with their own budgets and experience in the tables provides clarity visual art and enjoyment of the film, also give the assembly an interpretive perspective sui generis.

Reaffirms Bruno Ortiz, the director, seems to have no limits in their artistic forays, and showed us a good theater director with "Caligula", "Peripatetics", "The circus parsley", "Don Quixote", etc. now venturing into the movies in this era of globalization and mass culture. But the film shows the creative diversity against globalization standarizante. Bruno

which contemporary Quixote, camera Riestra, to Tarantino and Kusturica, becomes attuned to the avant-garde cinema, is a non-linear way of telling the story, with raconté breaks in time and space, but without losing unit stage, with points of contact and relationship in all stories, shows that although we're not involved in politics policy if you mess with us.

The message is clear: we reject violence from whatever source, without violating the fundamental rights of individuals, so from the edge of film art is an intellectual and artistic effort to understand what happened in history.

Perhaps there are too many little stories, but there are points of encounter dialectically maintain its style, handling of shapes, colors, textures, but miss the irreverent and iconoclastic Bruno will, because language is different from the theatrical film.

A vocation is expressive otherness riberiana to give voice to the voiceless in the war. Entertain report is the vocation of Bruno Gaston Ortiz and Herrera, the author of the text. Very well resolved theatrical history during the movie. Technically there

cleanliness in the handling of photography, sound and sonoplastía.

So utopia is still in force, with a look at the integration, we seek the unity of Peruvians to learn to value, to listen, recognize and tolerate no ideological narrowness and myopia. Without xenophobia or racism, you need to know what happened during an authoritarian government, this must be exposed and debated in a free society.

up to the viewers to draw their own conclusions of acceptance or rejection as the film does not align with anyone, that is its greatest virtue.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

How Much Does A Calico Horse Trailer Weigh

writes: You change
Carlos Thomas Temoche


friends share this gift of Carlos Espinoza. I waited for the right moment to do it: SPECIAL. In these beautiful prints is a creative complicity: the music "Rosé" photography class and the pearls of wisdom from the best thinking on this planet: The Talmud - Buddha (twice) - Lao Tse - San Jerónimo - Mark Twain (The famous brand four) - David Hume - Edgar Allan Poe - Rabindranath Tagore and our beloved Mother Teresa of Calcutta. For playwrights who are late or not at testing stage, may be the phrase, "Not with millions of gold coins can recapture a moment of life What greater loss, then, that the time spent in vain? ".

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Gratitude, then, is a universal ethical principle. Thank you, your friends who sent us messages before the presentation of the first volume of "Puqllay Yawar" Luis Botin Huacho - Ayacucho Ivan Flores - Lucho Gonzales, Huaraz - Marcial Benito, Huayre - Antonio La Torre - Oyón - Hector and Hilda Garcia Collantes, Chiclayo Liz Moreno, Luis Felipe Rivas Mendo universal puppeteer, dear colleagues and friends. were in Live, that on Wednesday, April 14, 2010: Jerry Galarreta - Irma Beraún - Martin Medina - Martin Molina - Arturo Valero - Juanita Medina - Graciela Lechuga - Juan Maldonado - Julio Nunez - Fernando Fernandez - Manuel Miranda - Zoilita Chiguan - Andia with Lilia's family - the family García - Tilda the City of Independence - the boy genius Giovani Perez - Kaler family with your wine Tower Concha y Toro - family Temoche -. Grutema Especially in the middle group came from the town of Bad with a Dionysiac fine gift box with dedication and everything, just missed the Acurio Malena. They were students of the ENSAD with Mirella Quispe, the ADUNI students and the general public, in short, I hope to remember names. Mavi Márquez - Mercy Bustos - Marjorie Evans, read and commented on international messages of Thomas Walsh, Nancy Kaler and Luis Ramos Garcia. Mary Soto made an impeccable driving program. Mallqui Thanks to Victor, and Alexander Wong Inche Elvis in the film records. Victor Campos in logistics. sikuris Troop Yawar: Regulus Rosado, Theodore Thompson, Florencio Castillo, Alfonso Martinez, Jaime Rubio Percy Montejo in the conduct of "July", welcomed local outside the Cultural Center ADUNI. Vélez María Laura told us about his award-winning story "Yacoub". Yawar The cast of theater work performed shows Don Dimas fragment of the Frigate: Licet del Pino, Miguel Torres, Alfonso Martínez and Leonardo Alegre in the conduct of theater. Thanks children's musical group and especially Ayllu Ricchary Llacta with the music of Arguedas. Sing thanks to the lawsuit by buying Publishers published the book and in capital letters, underlined ADUNI THANKS TO CULTURAL CENTER.

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V INTERNATIONAL THEATRE FESTIVAL UCSUR Yawar and the Long March, in the grand opening Parade, beginning this Saturday 17 at 3:00 pm in the Park of Love to the Parque Maria Reiche of Miraflores, where Colombia's TECAL Festival kicks off with a work street theater "The album" the expected Festival closes Bolivia cast of theater of the Andes with the work "What are you complaining?" on 24 April. The V Festival brings to the prestigious Argentine critic Jorge Dubatti to give a workshop in their specialty, as well as the TECAL also provide a workshop for street theater. There is also a theater Congress in the mornings at the Casona de San Marcos. There is the presence of 21 casts and 23 plays, in different spaces, all the performances are free admission.

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DIMAS DON THE NATIONAL LIBRARY earwigs in Thursday 13 May at 10:00 am National Library of Abancay Avenue. ----------------------------------------------


From outside the Hotel Bolivar Plaza San Martín to the Casona de San Marcos at University Park, Wednesday, May 26 from 5:00 pm opened the meeting of Knowledge and Moves: between crisis and other possible worlds in Latin America. ----------------------------------------------


HUACHO - HUAURA - SATURDAY, JUNE 28, Textual Analysis Workshop theater and audio-visual projection "Historia del Teatro Peruano" program Cycle Huacho theatrical training, organized by actor and director Julio Montesinos from Italy. Guest Director: Carlos Thomas V. Temoche - SATURDAY AUGUST 28, artistic participation in the inauguration of the first Huacho theatrical space, organized by Julio Montesinos. For finally the local theater artists and visitors will have a place to stay overnight and will present papers and workshops on a permanent basis; actually be the cultural center that decades ago was Huacho and Huaura deserve. Yawar also participates in the inauguration.

At the same Viada!