Friday, April 23, 2010

Bratz Kidz Manicure Bedroom

writes: Carlos Thomas Temoche You change

UCSUR V FESTIVAL DE TEATRO JORGE Corollary Dubatti always pick up notes to share, but do not use tape recorder, everything is at close range, the Monday April 19 this year, was the Keynote Jorge Dubatti in historic Casona de San Marcos is clear, is not the same listening and watching live Dubatti, famed Argentine playwright, but mostly I get notes at the request of many colleagues inside the country, especially Roberto Palza of Tacna. There was much expectation for its first presence in Lima thanks to the efforts of the UCSUR. confessed at the end of his impeccable grounds intervention was the summary of six volumes on the theme: Philosophy of the Theatre. Notes: - Philosophy of the theater, is a theoretical issue at a time of renewal of the Latin American theater. - To address the road use inductive and locations from theatrical practices in line renewal. - Already Teatrología fields are not only in Europe, the philosophy of Latino theater opens new concepts. - THE THEATRE AS A PROBLEM: - Many in our family, we ask: What do you do?. When it comes to theater at this time we do not know that we are talking about today's finest actors are politicians and journalists of the TV. I saw a sign of invitation to the Church in Paraguay: "Come to the show of faith." I can not see theater in the tv or the internet. So you have to redefine the concept of theater, as the boundaries between art and life disappear. If everything is theater, nothing is theater. For example, today you can see up your child hemorrhoids by the Internet communication is a direct communication, but you can not hug your child. - So you have to redefine the word theater. The theater is something that happens, in the theater events occur. For there to be drama there must first be a meeting of the people: CONVIVIO. - Can not see or feel for the Internet, or film, you can not subterritorizar can not be canned theater. - Second, the generation of poiesis, the foundation of a parallel world with its own rules. Is the alternate reality. Here you install your own logic. At the end live: Convivio and Poiesis. - COROLLARY - If something happens we have to study the event in its historical dimension. - Aristotle knew nothing about theater. "Aristotle and the vampire of Western theater." ( Personally, I disagree with this bold assertion). - the theater as a language: constructor of subjectivities. The theater to communicate, you must first exist. - The theater knows things he does not know the literature, poetry, only known through the theatrical experience: "The theater theater." - Only theater theater people know, is only known when they see on the court. - Theatre as human labor (Marx). - No books theater dedicated to the technicians in the theatrical production process. - The theater company, I can not act for myself and say "how good I am." No solipsism. I can not do things just for the need Covivio. - The theater is part of the living culture. - In a monistic position the theater is an open unit (pluralism). Today there is a broadening of the spectrum of theatrical forms: dance. storytelling, puppetry, mime, perfomence, etc. - Polysemy, combination and the possibility of finding drama in various circumstances of life. - The theatricality is above the theater. The theater uses theatricality. - As an adult, we have a toddler area, an area ontological. TASK THEATRE NOW - to reach a scientific construction the actor, a new scientific construction of the viewer. - The only way to explain the theater is getting into the theatrical event. - There are functions that Levan theater, where nothing happens, no event, no theatrics. - The poetic will rectifying refounding go. The theater is a place for construction of subjectivity, is an abode of habitability, construction of world history, the theater is the construction of signs. - neotecnológicas scenes can spoil if a body is stopped during the screening. --------------------------------------

- THE THEATRE BUILDING AS A TOOL FOR CITIZENSHIP TEACHING. CULTURAL GUIDELINES: - 1980 - Medellín, Colombia, drug trafficking became "The silver cup" (This is called Medellin) in a butcher shop, where life was not worth anything. - The cultural artist was targeted by drug traffickers, in truth was in the middle of three fires: the state, guerrillas, drug traffickers. - The playwrights created networks, young people use theater, dance, music citizenship building projects. In Medellín, despite the characteristics of underdevelopment play areas were created, artistic training. Theater networks, established the goals of building better citizens and better environments for the exercise of citizenship. Moliere, Aristophanes, were nationalized. Teachers were provocative theater, do not work as educators, Brecht, Grotowski, were also discussed. It built a theater outside the traditional centers. There were festivals from our practice. Atheneo Corporation was formed to recognize the other in the process of constant communication. The public was not only passenger but actors in the breathing spaces. METHODOLOGY - Youth learned conflicts between families. In Medellín, the drug is readily available. Channeled their energies into art, methodological processes worked in stages in search of a democratic, inclusive and equitable. As we rode Antigone, a boy was killed and no one dared to raise his corpse, as in the play. STAGES (Shipping only I could point to the flight, Colombians speak very fast): - The body and the voice is recognized. - Awaken the senses. - The body and the voice there. - The body and voice are. - In body and voice mean. - Games stage. - Find scripts themselves. - Search poetic inquiry. - Improvisations, find organic communication with the viewer. - All this was achieved because in Colombia also has taken the ACT Theatre.
----------------------------------------------- MARTHA -------------- Sangregorio (ARGENTINA) IDENTITY AND SUBORDINATE IN THE THEATRE - From the presence of the last dictatorship in Argentina, it appears the theater with new generation who dives back to the writing of history. - Use of oblivion, forgetting is not merely for convenience. - Political Theater, guardian of the memory. Emerging political system against the policy. Development the idea of \u200b\u200bmemory and justice. - subjectivity, are the subjects attached. The political sense of drama. Being young at the time of the dictatorship made you a victim of the same. Torture is the most ferocious of cowardice. The Mothers of Plaza de Mayo, the protagonists of history.
----------------------------------------------- KEIKO -------------------- SERTZEN MATCH OF IMPRO met Keiko in the Tuquito, nowadays it is Pataclaun. He explained various ways of improvisation: Steps: - 1 .- Always say yes to ideas, in this particular world of the clown. 2 .- The other idea is better than mine. 3 .- The first idea is more valuable, not to judge or others or myself. 4 .- Trust everyone, especially myself. - In improvisation there is no time for brainstorming. Improvisation: "Seller of sandwiches in a church," generates many ideas as material for the job: The nuns like the sandwiches or the vendor that allows you to enter the church, the priest got a hold of sandwiches, the SANGUCHEROS is in love with a nun, and so on. - OBJECTIVES ACHIEVED WITH IMPRO IN THE SCHOOLS: - Students learn to work in teams. - Arrive early to class. - Building self-esteem. - Improve relationships family. - In the competition there are no enemies. "The improviser wants to win the match, that's what the public thinks. Is needed - in the call - known actors bring to attract participants and the public. ----------------------------------------------

- not forget, the festival continues with free admission. Today Friday, 23 presented in the Ella Dunbar, Univ of San Marcos, Brazil (Promiscuous Theatre) at 6.00 and 7.00 with two different works and the house in the same room at 10.30. Tomorrow, Saturday the Yuyas make a working demonstration in their local at 3.00 pm At 6:00 pm shows the cast of the UCSUR and majestically close V Festival this fabulous list of Bolivia "Teatro de los Andes" in the Ella Dunbar at 8.00 pm with the work "Does it hurt?" good if you do not see it going to hurt ...
----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- EARTH DAY In December 2009, during the Conference UN Copenhagen, Denmark, the President of the Republic of Bolivia, Evo Morales, was nominated by indigenous organizations to present "The Ten Commandments to save Mother Earth," and from that spot Evo took the opportunity to convene a "Peoples' Global Conference on Climate Change" in Cochabamba in April last week. - "For 500 years, tried to make us disappear. Not only physically, then tried to kill our language, music, food and culture. We work in secret to preserve our knowledge, because we knew that one day would return to the path of balance or Pachakuti." "We split with flags and anthems. But we know that one day there will be no borders, we want to be rebels again, but rebels wisely. We are on that path, we are in the process." These were some of the words of David Choquehuanca, at the start of the conference in Bolivia. Agreements transcendent: the making of a global referendum to define policies to address global warming, also invite developed countries to pay its ecological debt, rather than charge the external debt of developing countries. indigenous organizations in Latin America have proposed the inclusion of their ancestral knowledge on strategies to address the economic crisis.
----------------------------------------------- BOOK ------------------------------- PUQLLAY Yawar - I remain grateful to those who are congratulating me for the effort edited the first volume of "pre-Games and Exercises Drama": A Barricade Eduardo Valentin and Huancayo, who forgot to mention, also Jady Gamero, the two I have been invited to present the book in Huancayo and Trujillo, respectively. Also to Mary Queen of Aqualuna group. Infinite thanks.

A Viada all!

TECAL of Colombia - V Festival

Jorge Dubatti at Casona - V Festival


Thanks: María Laura Velez Puqllay presentation Yawar

Thanks: Rikchary Llacta in the presentation Yawar Puqllay

Yawar on Parade - V Festival

Q `orianka Kilcher Evo Morales at the Conference by climate change.


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