Friday, December 17, 2010

Sally Hair Extensions

Improvisation Workshops Workshop Findings Cinematograph


"He who has sung twice."

Speaker: Rafael Rivera

Objective: Making exercise of singing in a group a chance to acquire and develop elements of vocal technique and other music-related skills such as harmony, musical structure, the practice of rhythm and nuance in order to integrate the stage. Make
concerts at different times and venues.
To: young musicians, actors, performing artists and the general public interested in choral singing and stage research exercise and that you can from it.
Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 19:00 to 22:00 hrs.
Cost: $ 300 per month (paid within 10 days of each month)
permanent workshop.
* previous hearing.

Reports: in / or 55 74 14 18 or 044 55 15 83 78 39 with Oscar Flores.

Courses are held at "PLACE THEATRE APEIRON, Monterrey 319, Col. Roma Sur,
(Entre Av Baja California and Tepic. Metro Chilpancingo and Medical Center. Metrobus Chilpancingo.)

Rafael Rivera.


a BA in choral conducting Xavier Gonzalez Cardenal Miranda Institute where he also took courses in musicology and composition with teachers John Wheat and Torn Victor. Participated in the Diploma of Management "The music is somewhere else" taught by Master Sergio Cardenas in the National Arts Centre and was recipient of the Residential Exchange Program to work FONCA Artistic opera "Undine" on a libretto authorship in the city of Montreal, Canada. It has taken several courses and classes in the theater, ranging from character creation to the drama and dramatic text analysis with Fernando Martínez and Pilar Villanueva Monroy and has participated in various theatrical productions. His "Cosmofonía I" is part of Mexican music album released by the Support Center for Mexican Music Concert by the Society of Authors and Composers and distributed by the label Quindecim.

is currently director of child and adult choirs FARO de Oriente, co-produced by the National Music Promotion and the Arts and Crafts Factory of the East Apeiron Choir director and resident composer of the theater company run by Apeiron Fernando Martinez Monroy, master class singing voice in the National School of Dramatic Arts Advisory INBA and municipal chorus program CECULTAH in Hidalgo in addition to being director of the Boys Choir of Hidalgo and the Choir of the Artistic Direction of CECULTAH with those presented in different municipalities of this state.


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