Monday, May 31, 2010

Halloween Costumes With Crutches

News 19 News 18 News 17

writes: Carlos Thomas Temoche You change


I. PUQLLAY Yawar - Games and exercises pre dramatic, is presented today, Monday May 24 on the premises occupied by Barricada - Jr. Arequipa 559 - in the center of the city of Huancayo. The presentation is done in the framework of the celebration of 34 anniversary of this historic theater group huanca. Previously, we have an interview on TV Channel 21, the incomparable city of Huancayo.

Puqllay Yawar, is a book that breaks in the new historical imagination is an educational tool, where earlier this century witnessed the globalization of the food crisis energy and economic policy on the planet.

The premise: "The theater group is a school", it encouraged its publication, in an atmosphere that announced the presence of new communication systems such as virtual education.

The methodological framework is designed as theater classes, comprises the following items:

First, the historical background information serves as input: the presence of the AAA (1938), Jorge Acuna and Victor Zavala Cataño, the first invades squares and the second reinvindica the peasant in his poetic dimension. These are the precursor elements of the new Peruvian theater after will have two organizational tools: Samples Peruvian National Theatre and the Independent Theatre Movement.

Second, there is a siege to the classics and the currents of the Universal Theatre. Also recorded as the principal directors of the national scene take stage direction.

theater exercises, place the body as a source of sound and movement. The games bring us closer to the techniques of this discipline. The improvisations homologous and analogous to the creative process. There are educational materials from my own experience, other games and exercises are nationalized and material direction of the most important theatrical classics.

II. EDITORS CANTA this editorial imperative is also present in the person of Mr. Florencio Castillo Vergaray. Mary Soto sent this message:

"Thirty years ago at the Festival Theatre for Life in the House of Yuyachkani, I was overwhelmed by the images, text, music, feelings and multiple readings that caused me a great impact, as a whirlwind in which I immersed myself without salvation, in which taxes me life, but also returned the sap wild and unfathomable. In this tiempoo that did nothing, but eternal in front of one of the shows have not only marked my experience, but my life was the first that I had before my eyes and my heart Barricada theater Mamacha of Mercedes.

A turbulent country, bathed in blood, a population between two fires, a corrupt power that was settled and invading all spheres of society and a people who adamantly defended their right to life, justice and joy, were the scene of his first encounter with Barricade.

stubborn persistence and further questioning, awakening from dreams, questioning from the stage, making sure the message but also aesthetics and making plays well made products, is what Barricada has given us throughout this long and fruitful life and what this writer from his humble trench has Spectators and served with the complicity of the theater companion, the companion of legitimate dreams and potential.

A theater that speaks of Andean identity - Huanca, a Peru that lacerations and bleeding in the abandonment, but also swells indomitable in their culture, their dances, their struggles, Intransa against poverty, injustice and inclusion. A drama based in the roots of an ancient tradition but takes off the dove, the condor and take to the skies of the universality of the truly artistic product that we all deserve and that Barricada generously gives us in each of his productions in scene. This is Barricada, that's what they accomplish every day, every year, Eduardo Valentin, Digna Buitrón and all members of one group of our theatrical history epigonal Peru. I salute you on this day in which they turn 34 years of existence, sure that is one of the greatest pride in the riot PERU. Mary Soto

Texts Peruvian Theatre Director
Sing Editors.

Anniversary Tonight, Sing Publishers presented the following books:
- "The Stage and Memory" - Testimony of Peruvian playwrights - Volume I - Carlos Espinoza Dominguez.
- "Mario Delgado, the wisdom of eternal disciple of Carlos Espinoza Dominguez.
- "Here is my heart" - Library Bruges Playwriting.
- "Autonomy and Emancipation" - Latin America on the Move - Stock Global Transformation.
- "Global Democracy" Heikki and Teivo Patomäki Teivaimen - Stock Global Transformation.
- "Poems of pain and some hope" of Jose Salinas Pardo.

III. JUAN RIVERA SAAVEDRA, we are also instructed to take two books:

- Techniques for writing a play "
-" Selected works of theater. "

Juan Rivera Saavedra, writer, storyteller since childhood. Mention of the most distinguished and prolific writer of Latin America by Waine State University United States of North America, the concession of the National Theatre Award awarded by the National Institute of Culture, twice awarded by the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos and others, represent Rivera Saavedra confirmation as one of the most talented and influential writers in the country.


For the theater, provided all Viada, from Huancayo!

Happiness is not doing what you want, but wanting what you do. "Jean Paul Sartre


Saturday, May 22, 2010

Thank You 3rd Birthday

writes: Carlos Thomas Temoche You change

Charlie Chaplin Charlie Chaplin
in memory. Admired for the best in the world of beauty and intelligence in the world: Einstein, Winston Churchill, Jean Paul Sartre, Picasso, Elonora Duce, Nikita Khrushchev, Chon En Lai, Debussy, Toscanini, Pola Negri, the Marx Brothers.
De Carlitos, César Lévano, adds: "Soon will arise from the immortal screen Charlot, a modern Don Quixote who embody all humiliated, sad, weak -" the powerful - weak "to say Vallejo - that despite all dream, love and defeat.

Einstein's cheeks were full of tears, when he went to see "City Lights", José Carlos Mariategui, who regarded the art of Chaplin, higher than Pirandello, Proust and Joyce, wrote: "Art Chaplin achieved the maximum of their feature hedonistic and liberating. Relieves Chaplin, with his smile and his sadness hurt, the sadness of the world "(excerpts from the book Puqllay Yawar - Exercises and games pre - dramatic, pag. 104).

Enjoy these great Chaplin Short:

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already announced, this week is overflowing the river Mantaro, celebrating this important milestone. Today May 22 we reached the city of Huancayo telluric in huanca: Wankayuq. Huancayo is the navel of Peru, is in its central part and from there radiates Barricada culture in this area once dominated by huancas, also known as the invincible.

We are part of the theatrical delegations also arrive today's Chaupimarca Cuatrotablas Huancavelica and Lima.

patasca A tasty and muscle toning we touch we go to a radio interview with Master of Huancayo. They welcome the 34 of Barricada and invite viewers today the play "Once Upon a Time a King" at the local House of Culture, Arequipa 559 that temporarily fills Barricada. From the top of the radio building and see that the election campaign began as the Hospital de la Solidaridad was installed outside the municipality.

explained that although this work has a alley name: "Once upon a time a King", refers to strategies for survival in impoverished areas.


- Sing Publishers, has sent an important anthology of books related to the student theater.
- Juan Rivera Saavedra, the books have also come to this important playwright especially "How to write
a play?"
- Puqllay Yawar, this book presents the closing Monday 24 Yawar's participation in the 34's
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Yawar on Wednesday, 26 opened this event with a great parade that departs at 5:00 pm in the Plaza Francia. Participation

Yawar director at the conclusion of the event from May 30 to June 2 meeting under the Knowledge and Movements: Between crisis and other possible worlds.
The workshop will be facilitated by a teaching team coordinated by the Italian educator - Nicola Roroni Basque, and composed of staff and members of the Democracy and Global Transformation Programme. -------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- PACO


While the theater is older than literature, literature is born with the theater. Visual writing can go to the theater. Thespis was the first Greek actor and Homer was also an actor, what Aristotle says in his book Rhetoric.

But, since the great Angelo Beolco "Ruzante" founded the Italian Comedy of Art, a theater offender influences for centuries and serves as parent to the best comedians that has given mankind.

Well, literature is also used as starting material to address mounting theatrical work called having no dramatic structure and whether they are offenders, besieging the style of comedy.

Paco Yunque, is a theatrical work from a story of the eponymous César Vallejo, written in 1931. In this musical drama, Carlos Espinoza Dominguez, critically acclaimed U.S. based Cuban says:
"Paco Yunque, has among other achievements, to meet the needs and interests of the child and not from assumptions for adults only ".

Paco returns to the National Library of Abancay Avenue on Tuesday June 8 at 10 am
----------------------- ---------------------------------- DON

DIMAS DE LA tailed

After his success in the library, return to this same area on Thursday, June 13, at 10 am the ancient Don Dimas of the Frigate. This text is a tradition of Don Ricardo Palma, rightly taken to writing spectacular scenic Aureo Huerta Sotelo.

theater thus fulfilling a requirement of the national writer Mario Vargas Llosa, raised to the stage theatrical literature classics of Peruvian and universal reach the vast majority who do not read or who knowingly, not do.

Literature Peru - from the Royal Commentaries to the Traditions of Ricardo Palma, Vallejo's poetry and narrative Arguedas - seeking an answer to our being and prosecute all that frustrates and alienates us.

This arrangement continues to plague the empty space with mobile structures, theatrical songs, but respecting the fine prose of the author of Traditions.

Up, up
legs, shanks,

in this world are all traps

Today for us, Mr. Dimas and does not smell of patchouli but the fragrance Antonio Banderas. This text was written in 1864, we place ourselves at the beginning of last century and Don Dimas is not much in love but a notary clerk.
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The theater and the arts in general play an important role in human life.
This discipline represents the emotions, thoughts, desires and feelings through forms, colors, movement, words, light, rhythm, texture. We might say - without fear of being wrong - if human beings actively practiced arts, obtained: self-confidence, loss of inhibitions, improved memory and above all leave the world in a better position as we find it.

Huacho In the theater there is a sustained from within by its creative artists, and spaces create their own efforts and strengthen the promotion of primary and secondary school drama, but also from playwrights out there who follow the hearing place in the heart of their homeland like Julio Montesinos. July from Palermo Italy is concerned about the fate of the theater in their home. So is planning to create a space to spread and shelter to itinerant artists, such as you. And passing through Huacho playwrights not only may be submitted but will have a place that protects primarily from the cold and indifferent.

Saturday August 28 opens this space and we are building dream COMPIC in July. Of course, groups will Huachana, huaurinos. Chancay already pointed Four Steps of our friend Alfredo Loza.

Before this historic event for us, Montesinos Huacho is planning workshops for water is as for the chocolate. So we have been invited to a workshop in passing, on Saturday June 26: Brief History and Analysis Teatro Peruano text ...

A Viada all for the theater provided

Bump On Gums Above Tooth

Yawar Yawar Yawar

writes: Carlos Thomas Temoche You change

philosophy of life, the art of learning and living longer without complications. Think Practice Reflect. The most successful is the complement of the abstract images that objectify and embody the thought ... Thanks, Carlos Espinoza. We share ...


ACTIVITIES ---------------------------------- Yawar - MAY 2010 THURSDAY

6-10 Anniversary Intipacha. Intipacha, celebrated its 10th founding anniversary yesterday institutional May 6, a path that goes crescendo artistes. Comas, Colmena 1035 - San Martín Av. I went to bring the greetings of the Independent Theatre Movement of Peru and Yawar. Parade celebration Making People Yacha and Llacta Puqllay Raymi, groups eat a variety of music and characters on stilts luxury. Then Mexican presented mime Coco, sensational, knew all the secrets of communication and made fun in an afternoon delight for archiving pleasantly in the memory. The same care was part of the group, also the mere Mexico, hang on my buddies, "White Glove" with a show puppet glove puppets which showed the progress of this discipline in a story on the election. How you can entertain and educate, with characters from our reality. Intipacha marotte also presented puppet type recreating the unforgetable cries of Nicomedes and Victoria Santa Cruz: the fruit, pout of mixing and an encounter with a black sandunguera to the rhythm of the tasty asincopados Perez Prado mambo. Good, Heber. Congratulations to Heber and Intipacha successful.
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DIMAS DE LA tailed DON IN THE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF PERU "Everything that is done love is beyond good and evil, "said the author of" Thus Spoke Zarathustra ", Friedrich Nietzsche. This route can be applied to Mr. Dimas of Tijereta the illustrious author of the Peruvian Traditions, Don Ricardo Palma. that this tradition is said, led to the writing stage by Aureo Huerta Sotelo and dramatized by Yawar, raises Peruvian use ingenuity to get out of trouble. Our assembly haunts the empty space where the actor resolves bodily everything. Don Dimas is on Thursday 13 May at the National Library of Abancay Avenue at 10:00 am
--------------------------- Yawar


Who writes these lines does not believe that the historical groups, of which he spoke Hugo Salazar Alcazar, are in Lima. No. They are inside the country and barrel is one of them. That's why we feel obligated to thank the dedication and your choice of life to the theater.

Huancayo Yawar will be presenting "Erase once a king on Saturday 22 and Sunday 23, Monday 24 presents the book "Yawar Puqllay" Games and exercises pre - dramatic, as part of this glorious celebration of 34 anniversary of the barricades.

EDITORS CANTA also attends to by Don Florencio Castillo Vergaray.
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PASSACAGLIA AT THE MEETING OF KNOWLEDGE AND SOCIAL MOVEMENTS, artists and intellectuals Many said that Deplete the solutions for a world in crisis, after environmental disasters is the dishonesty and corruption that corrodes most Latin governments. Our award-winning writer Mario Vargas Llosa says that save us from corruption, we must attract the best, the most honest and best intellectual level to intervene in politics, well, Javier Perez de Cuellar, Valentin Paniagua Vargas and the same candidates and nothing happened. Where is the problem?. isolated But there are voices that need to be articulated, which is why community leaders, artists and intellectuals the world arrive in Lima at the 1st Meeting of Knowledge and Social Movements, which seeks to make visible "other forms" of imagining the world. The Opening Parade is done Yawar, from the historic Plaza San Martín, on the date of opening on May 26 at 5:00 pm The event runs until 28. Angela Benavides, announced that any information is found at 7153450.

--------------- WAKE THE MOON MISTAKEN This hilarious farce Yawar began his theatrical journey, today we return to stage in another time, space and with another look. A tribute to this important playwright who has not yet received the recognition it deserves for its crystal path. The text also mounted in various departments of Peru Theatre. Yes, because everywhere you choose and reward those who do not deserve, in this farce is the world's mistakes. Estela Do not forget to invite to the premiere. Estela is also the author of "Eva was not in Heaven" and "Hen Planter." What a good wake of Estela.

A Viada all we're going to Huancayo

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

What Is The Difference Between Pointe And Point

News 16 News 14 News 13


On Mother's Day will sing the sea, would have said Pablo Neruda . An old poem said: "For my mother, bohemian .." Silvio Rodriguez: "Mother, your day your boys sweep mines fon Hai .." "This Sunday of May, shame on me ..", Nicomedes Santa Cruz. But these lines of Bishop Ramón Angel Jara Argentine Chilean bishop and canon, and are part of the essential anthology on this sacred day. A thin management technique Heraclitean dialectic contradiction:


There is a woman who has something of the immensity of God his love, and much of the tireless angel request care.

A young woman who still has the refexión of an elderly and old people working with the vigor of youth.

A woman who, if ignorant, more accurately discover the secrets of life that a sage, and if instructed suits the simplicity of children.

A woman, that being poor is satisfied with those he loves, and being rich, would welcome your treasures for not suffering the injury in the heart of ingratitude.

A strong woman who still shudders at the cry of a child, and being weak is coated with the bravery of a lion.

A woman who does not know while living estimate, because next to forget all the pain, but after her death would give everything we have look again for an instant, to receive a single embrace it, to hear a single tone of your lips.

That woman does not collect any name if I do not want your album soaked with tears, because I saw happen in my way.

When your children grow Needles this page and covering them with kisses your forehead will tell you that a humble traveler has left here for you and for them, a portrait sketch of his mother. "

Bishop Ramón Angel Jara


Sunday, May
should shame me,
mark a day of the year
to love the mother
take a day, an hour,
of the hour, a moment
and with a bouquet of flowers
and miserable verses
and a kiss on the forehead
want to pay the unpayable

This Sunday, May
should shame me that
there is a race day I accept
segregate as accepted without costume,
"a day of carnival"
and accept "the day of the Indian"
and ... until "the day of the language"
Cervantes Memorial
but I am sorry that there
only a "Mother's Day"
when an entire existence
not enough to worship
Sunday, May
should shame me ...

must have created it for those poor households
where love
remember the red of the almanac;
or, perhaps, for those children who cherish
with postcards,
which gave life
with tears, sweat and blood.

Flag Day .... an hour,
premeditate the moment;
take the year .. a minute,
to love the mother
this Sunday in May,
shame .. was me. "

Nicomedes Santa Cruz Gamarra.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Organizations That Help People

writes: Carlos Varies Temoche Thomas s




say say their first inhabitants came from the jungle. As if responding to a ritual of life is settled in the basins of the rivers Huallaga and Marañón Pachitea. Its name comes from the guanaco auquénido. Hence comes the presence of man and culture Lauricocha oldest of America: Cotosh, the enigmatic hands clasped behind only Caral in antiquity. Perhaps
Tantamayo was buried the conquered Huanuco by the Incas, where they settled in Huanucopampa on high, defying the condors. Huanuco was the transitional phase of the Incas from Cuzco to Cajamarca.

Gómez de Alvarado y Contreras, on behalf of the King of Spain on August 15, 1539 founded the city of León de Huánuco. Huánuco was one of the major cities to promote the independence of Peru, there were uprisings in Huamalies, Huallanca and Ambo.

course, Huánuco has men and women of: Guaman Poma de Ayala, Amarilis, Daniel Alomía Robles, Esteban Pavletich, Javier Pulgar Vidal, Leoncio Prado Gutierrez, Juan José Crespo y Castillo, Herminio Valdizán and many more.


would be commendable to have a history of Huanuco theater originally I only know that now are present in different independent theater events: exhibitions, workshops, Festtas, Festepys, Esteban Pavletich, Festin, etc..
most representative groups in order of seniority are sobretablas, Aguas Vivas, Columbine and now our friend Esteban Ktonconi achieved Tiznado build the Cultural Center, the partnership has provided a formidable for conducting these workshops. Living Waters Theatre Festival organized by the School and from Esteban Pavletich UGEL, Maria Trujillo has invited us to make this SEMINAR TEACHER TRAINING WORKSHOP IN DRAMA AND DRAMATIC ACTIVITIES. I go with Theodore

Murga specialist Cárdenas and Leonardo mask making Alegre Timothy bodily expression of AC Yawar.



The themes are developed with audiovisual support. The traditional school is seriously ill, the games have been relegated to holidays or weekend. In a city of cement is difficult to find free spaces. You have to wait for the holiday programs useful. Also the games are banned in the classroom on the ground that is the subject of disorder and disrespect the teacher. Many are not aware that the United Nations have stated that there is also the right to recreation.
Then, we develop creative holiday programs with children we are immobilized, passive, used to receiving mechanical concepts, dates, predominantly rote education, with few exceptions to the rule.
However, the game, the playful elements are important in the child's life in the biological, sociological and psychological.



the following items 1. Nature of drama.
2. Theatre and History.
3. Children and dramatic creation.
4. The theater as a language.
5. The conversion of the child viewer actor:

a. Understanding the body as a source of sound and movement. B.
Turn the body expressive. C.
The theater as a language.


Source - Application - Puppets in Peruvian history - Elements of a puppet show - Structure of dramatic play.


Importance of music education. PEDAGOGICAL PRINCIPLES

FINAL 1. Never criticize the personality of the child artists.
2. Respect individuality. Stimulate creativity.
3. Creativity and imagination are natural heritage of all human beings, simply process them, make them flow.
4. The theater is an art of the moment.
5. The man who does not express itself artistically is an incomplete being, the men in the tribes, sing, dance, body paint, decorate their tools and may not know the neurosis or depression.


Mass communication and the phenomenon of globalization is a phenomenon current Palaeolithic man used as forms of sensory communication. -------------------------------------------------

--------------------------------------- This is the statement of issues to be developed in amplitude during the three days, are supplemented with exercises, games, dynamic and improvisational theater.

be developed puppet puppets, paper masks of the characters in works that begin to be mounted parallel to the development of theoretical issues. Also learn two songs in the Peruvian native instrument: tarka.

BIBLIOGRAPHY: It is offering the collection of Juan Rivera Saavedra: Amen - Selected Works Theater - Pieces Breves - Oppressed and squeezed - Techniques for writing a play social-science fiction tales. The Book

Puqllay Yawar - Games and exercises pre - dramatic and theatrical makeup videos .. -------------------------------------------------


Crossing the Bridge Lord of Burgos - pattern jury of the beautiful and majestic city of Huanuco - is the district of Amaryllis. Amaryllis, the name of the exquisite and enigmatic poet Huanuco of colonial times, here is the Pedagogical Institute Auditorium Marcos Duran Martell. On the first day of torrential rain in the next few days were a glorious sun. Here were concentrated about 250 teachers to share the workshop.

addition, the theoretical development of the workshop set out above, was given more coverage to the practical. Theory without practice is not theatrical. The basic premise was: the theater as a language can be used by children with and without artistic skills. They used to communicate not only verbally. The goal is not to train actors. No. The task is to make possession of child spectator in dramatic action from passive to active.

Alegre were made to Leonardo: Integrating games - Memory - Concentration - Observation and Representation.


Stage where children and young people can create their own texts or prepared to stage scores.

A. Through the chain: noun - active or transitive verb - prayer - conflict - solution. Prepared a theme and a plot of stage work, previously done brainstorming. "Pedro" was a humorous text that participated ktonconi, that was all.

B. We worked from a prepared text in puppets explained above the wrists of Chancay, the arrival of the first puppeteer of Godomar Leonora, with the English and after 1821 as was de rigueur to have our own puppets. Differences of puppet theater in the East and West. Also gave recommendations for the staging of "The chicken planter." Had the storyline and teachers invented the text.

The vast majority drew up puppets and masks ; Also taught two songs and choreography tarkas these instruments native to the highlands.


- Most professors drew up puppets and masks.
- Learning tarkas two songs: "On the field" and "rain."
- The poem "Escuelita Prosecutor" by Nicomedes Santa Cruz, was apprehended in collective and physical actions.
- Mount puppets "The chicken planter" in improvisation. Text analysis.
- Assembly of theatrical work "Pedro" in improvisation. Recommendations in theater direction.
- Dismantling the character "Don Dimas of the Frigate."

We note that Mr. Samuel Taylor Quintana, director of the Huánuco UGEL was at the opening and closing of this successful workshop.

With Ktonconi Maria Trujillo and Steve, who always accompanied us in all dealings. Without the presence and solidarity theater they would not have made this workshop so varied, in a short time.

A Viada all from Huanuco, the city of eternal spring

photos of the workshop. I should clarify that the title playwright, the organizers put him on billboards.