Saturday, May 22, 2010

Thank You 3rd Birthday

writes: Carlos Thomas Temoche You change

Charlie Chaplin Charlie Chaplin
in memory. Admired for the best in the world of beauty and intelligence in the world: Einstein, Winston Churchill, Jean Paul Sartre, Picasso, Elonora Duce, Nikita Khrushchev, Chon En Lai, Debussy, Toscanini, Pola Negri, the Marx Brothers.
De Carlitos, César Lévano, adds: "Soon will arise from the immortal screen Charlot, a modern Don Quixote who embody all humiliated, sad, weak -" the powerful - weak "to say Vallejo - that despite all dream, love and defeat.

Einstein's cheeks were full of tears, when he went to see "City Lights", José Carlos Mariategui, who regarded the art of Chaplin, higher than Pirandello, Proust and Joyce, wrote: "Art Chaplin achieved the maximum of their feature hedonistic and liberating. Relieves Chaplin, with his smile and his sadness hurt, the sadness of the world "(excerpts from the book Puqllay Yawar - Exercises and games pre - dramatic, pag. 104).

Enjoy these great Chaplin Short:

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already announced, this week is overflowing the river Mantaro, celebrating this important milestone. Today May 22 we reached the city of Huancayo telluric in huanca: Wankayuq. Huancayo is the navel of Peru, is in its central part and from there radiates Barricada culture in this area once dominated by huancas, also known as the invincible.

We are part of the theatrical delegations also arrive today's Chaupimarca Cuatrotablas Huancavelica and Lima.

patasca A tasty and muscle toning we touch we go to a radio interview with Master of Huancayo. They welcome the 34 of Barricada and invite viewers today the play "Once Upon a Time a King" at the local House of Culture, Arequipa 559 that temporarily fills Barricada. From the top of the radio building and see that the election campaign began as the Hospital de la Solidaridad was installed outside the municipality.

explained that although this work has a alley name: "Once upon a time a King", refers to strategies for survival in impoverished areas.


- Sing Publishers, has sent an important anthology of books related to the student theater.
- Juan Rivera Saavedra, the books have also come to this important playwright especially "How to write
a play?"
- Puqllay Yawar, this book presents the closing Monday 24 Yawar's participation in the 34's
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Yawar on Wednesday, 26 opened this event with a great parade that departs at 5:00 pm in the Plaza Francia. Participation

Yawar director at the conclusion of the event from May 30 to June 2 meeting under the Knowledge and Movements: Between crisis and other possible worlds.
The workshop will be facilitated by a teaching team coordinated by the Italian educator - Nicola Roroni Basque, and composed of staff and members of the Democracy and Global Transformation Programme. -------------------------------------------------
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While the theater is older than literature, literature is born with the theater. Visual writing can go to the theater. Thespis was the first Greek actor and Homer was also an actor, what Aristotle says in his book Rhetoric.

But, since the great Angelo Beolco "Ruzante" founded the Italian Comedy of Art, a theater offender influences for centuries and serves as parent to the best comedians that has given mankind.

Well, literature is also used as starting material to address mounting theatrical work called having no dramatic structure and whether they are offenders, besieging the style of comedy.

Paco Yunque, is a theatrical work from a story of the eponymous César Vallejo, written in 1931. In this musical drama, Carlos Espinoza Dominguez, critically acclaimed U.S. based Cuban says:
"Paco Yunque, has among other achievements, to meet the needs and interests of the child and not from assumptions for adults only ".

Paco returns to the National Library of Abancay Avenue on Tuesday June 8 at 10 am
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DIMAS DE LA tailed

After his success in the library, return to this same area on Thursday, June 13, at 10 am the ancient Don Dimas of the Frigate. This text is a tradition of Don Ricardo Palma, rightly taken to writing spectacular scenic Aureo Huerta Sotelo.

theater thus fulfilling a requirement of the national writer Mario Vargas Llosa, raised to the stage theatrical literature classics of Peruvian and universal reach the vast majority who do not read or who knowingly, not do.

Literature Peru - from the Royal Commentaries to the Traditions of Ricardo Palma, Vallejo's poetry and narrative Arguedas - seeking an answer to our being and prosecute all that frustrates and alienates us.

This arrangement continues to plague the empty space with mobile structures, theatrical songs, but respecting the fine prose of the author of Traditions.

Up, up
legs, shanks,

in this world are all traps

Today for us, Mr. Dimas and does not smell of patchouli but the fragrance Antonio Banderas. This text was written in 1864, we place ourselves at the beginning of last century and Don Dimas is not much in love but a notary clerk.
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The theater and the arts in general play an important role in human life.
This discipline represents the emotions, thoughts, desires and feelings through forms, colors, movement, words, light, rhythm, texture. We might say - without fear of being wrong - if human beings actively practiced arts, obtained: self-confidence, loss of inhibitions, improved memory and above all leave the world in a better position as we find it.

Huacho In the theater there is a sustained from within by its creative artists, and spaces create their own efforts and strengthen the promotion of primary and secondary school drama, but also from playwrights out there who follow the hearing place in the heart of their homeland like Julio Montesinos. July from Palermo Italy is concerned about the fate of the theater in their home. So is planning to create a space to spread and shelter to itinerant artists, such as you. And passing through Huacho playwrights not only may be submitted but will have a place that protects primarily from the cold and indifferent.

Saturday August 28 opens this space and we are building dream COMPIC in July. Of course, groups will Huachana, huaurinos. Chancay already pointed Four Steps of our friend Alfredo Loza.

Before this historic event for us, Montesinos Huacho is planning workshops for water is as for the chocolate. So we have been invited to a workshop in passing, on Saturday June 26: Brief History and Analysis Teatro Peruano text ...

A Viada all for the theater provided


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