Wednesday, May 5, 2010

What Is The Difference Between Pointe And Point

News 16 News 14 News 13


On Mother's Day will sing the sea, would have said Pablo Neruda . An old poem said: "For my mother, bohemian .." Silvio Rodriguez: "Mother, your day your boys sweep mines fon Hai .." "This Sunday of May, shame on me ..", Nicomedes Santa Cruz. But these lines of Bishop Ramón Angel Jara Argentine Chilean bishop and canon, and are part of the essential anthology on this sacred day. A thin management technique Heraclitean dialectic contradiction:


There is a woman who has something of the immensity of God his love, and much of the tireless angel request care.

A young woman who still has the refexión of an elderly and old people working with the vigor of youth.

A woman who, if ignorant, more accurately discover the secrets of life that a sage, and if instructed suits the simplicity of children.

A woman, that being poor is satisfied with those he loves, and being rich, would welcome your treasures for not suffering the injury in the heart of ingratitude.

A strong woman who still shudders at the cry of a child, and being weak is coated with the bravery of a lion.

A woman who does not know while living estimate, because next to forget all the pain, but after her death would give everything we have look again for an instant, to receive a single embrace it, to hear a single tone of your lips.

That woman does not collect any name if I do not want your album soaked with tears, because I saw happen in my way.

When your children grow Needles this page and covering them with kisses your forehead will tell you that a humble traveler has left here for you and for them, a portrait sketch of his mother. "

Bishop Ramón Angel Jara


Sunday, May
should shame me,
mark a day of the year
to love the mother
take a day, an hour,
of the hour, a moment
and with a bouquet of flowers
and miserable verses
and a kiss on the forehead
want to pay the unpayable

This Sunday, May
should shame me that
there is a race day I accept
segregate as accepted without costume,
"a day of carnival"
and accept "the day of the Indian"
and ... until "the day of the language"
Cervantes Memorial
but I am sorry that there
only a "Mother's Day"
when an entire existence
not enough to worship
Sunday, May
should shame me ...

must have created it for those poor households
where love
remember the red of the almanac;
or, perhaps, for those children who cherish
with postcards,
which gave life
with tears, sweat and blood.

Flag Day .... an hour,
premeditate the moment;
take the year .. a minute,
to love the mother
this Sunday in May,
shame .. was me. "

Nicomedes Santa Cruz Gamarra.


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