Wednesday, June 30, 2010

How To Fake My Community Hours

Yawar Yawar News 23 News 22 News 21

writes: Carlos Thomas Temoche You change


Huánuco I just came from, but I enlisted to go to Huacho gear and be on Saturday June 26 at the workshop organized by Pakaritambo. THIRD SCHOOL THEATRE FESTIVAL FESTINF 2010 - HUANUCO - TUESDAY 22 - WEDNESDAY 23 JUNE 2010. spring I was in the city of Huanuco always evaluating the Opening Parade and the Children's Theatre six works presented by the same number of educational institutions in this beautiful land of Perricholi Alomía Daniel Esteban Robles and Pavletich. I am part of the jury composed also by Matthew and colleagues Fausto Carlos Quispe. Perhaps the big mass media do not report anything, nor will the FESTINF considered in a formal speech today to talk about culture is fashionable, nor the Peru of the Diversity Coalition, we want to post, will not be considered part of that diversity , but independent theater is the only organizational tool that has managed to centralize and organize the theater throughout school. It is no longer only FESTTA (Theater secondary school), FESTEPY (Teatro primary school), now the FESTINF breaks, young children at very young. These are children who do theater for everyone. Many are shocked when they talk politics cultural, but from the social sphere can also promote and encourage the culture. This is the case with the lawyer Maria Trujillo, dramatist independent from UGEL HUANUCO, Festinf organization remained for two years, but from this year's activity begins to walk alone, now the Festival is organized by the St. Jude school Tadeo and the second year is organized by Divine Mercy. The selected cast will travel to the city of Huancayo, a major event. FESTINF RESULTS Best Editing: "THE FOX AND THE GUINEA PIG 'FOR THE DIVINE MERCY IEI SECOND BEST EDITING" THE CHICKEN PLANTER "LUNA ESTELA ISAAC NEWTON SCHOOL BEST DIRECTOR: KENNETH KTONCONI BEST ACTRESS: THE NEWTON SCHOOL HEN Yawar was also present with "PACO YUNQUE ENCOURAGING THE VARIOUS EVENTS AND PRESENTATIONS IN SCHOOLS Huanuco. Yawar CAST: PINE Liceta, LEONARDO ALEGRE, ADERIANO ESTEBAN, EDUARDO ARAGON, CARLOS MARTINEZ. HUANUCO just got off THREE PRESENTATIONS WERE IN THE SAME WORK IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD SCHOOL HIGH COSTA RICA - FRIDAY, JUNE 25. FESTINF Post photos


Before the opening party the local theater (August 28, 2010), we invite stakeholders, teachers, students and everyone interested in learning about and explore the wonderful magical world of theater, to participate in the workshops unique and unrepeatable being made all Saturdays (from 12 June) and will continue until 28 August. This Saturday, June 26 Huacho reaches one of the major players in the national and international theater: Temoche TOMAS, a whole life devoted to the theater ... Thomas is the Library Theatre, sharp theoretical and practical knowing of theater and theater Peruvian international ... reason enough to not miss the great opportunity to share with my good friend Thomas, a fun day of lectures ... theater class ... July Montesinos


Saturday, June 26, Reporter: Thomas Temoche CARLOS SEVERAL Director of the cultural association Yawar theater director, doing masks. muñecones puppets and Member of the national board of the Independent Theatre Movement Perù Topic: TEXT ANALYSIS AND MANAGEMENT OF THEATRE Besieged the analytical, expressive and scenic. Location: Av Grau 253-D-Huacho Saturday 03 July, rapporteur: HECTOR DE LA CRUZ Professor of dance studies at the School Dance School Live and Pata de Cabra Current choreographer at the National School of Drama Topic: DANCE AND THE ACTOR The flexibility and sensitivity, combined with the Games and corporal works of creative choreography theater. rapporteur Saturday, July 10: JULY MONTESINOS Actor, drama teacher and director, graduated from the National School of Drama. Founder of the multi-ethnic theater group Pakaritambo (Milan, Italy) Topic: IMPROVISATION AND THE THEATRE improvisation through a song, a poem, a verse, a word ... (every Saturday a different theme and very funny)

Each speaker will have a day to share their experiences with participants from 10 am until 6 pm (intermediate 1 to 3 pm) Participants must attend in comfortable clothes (diver) and materials recommended by each speaker. Reports: 232 6295 - 2322553 - 993642048 2322828 - 991334500


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