Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Larry Levine Clothing

writes: Carlos Thomas Temoche You change


Approved Ministry of Culture



We are planning a talk on Cultural and Proposals Municipal Elections, by Guillermo Cortes.

William, communicator, has worked in research and design of various projects, tasks Culture Communication and Citizenship. University Teacher's Diploma in Cultural Management at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru and the Course of Cultural Heritage of the San Ignasio of Loyola University. It is co-author of Cultural Policy.

Talk, we are called out of invisibility, by those who ignore our presence in the social fabric of Peruvian culture. You need to know who propose candidates for mayor, especially in Metropolitan Lima about the protection and promotion of culture, but first we must be aware of what cultural management and the work of creative artists.

BRUGES PRODUCTIONS - Yawar CULURAL ASSOCIATION - EDITORS CANTA, align themselves with the few efforts to make our voice heard, to be on the dynamics of the theme Cultural Policies need to plunge the task of making separate spaces for discussion the subject.

Tuesday June 29, 2010 - 7:00 pm
Chamber Theatre: Ricardo Roca King of Amateur Artists Association -
Jr. Ica 323 - Cercado de Lima, side of Teatro Municipal.

Free Income ---------------------------------


Yesterday, Saturday June 26, continuing the cycle of workshops prior to the opening of the Teatro del Barrio San Bartolomé, Huacho, who endorses these lines gave a small WORKSHOP ANALYSIS OF TEXT AND ADDRESS THEATRE in that province.

In summary, the workshop laid siege to the vision of Konstantin Stanislavski, its historic tasks and description the three phases of theatrical production process: Part Analytical - Expressive and Performing Arts.

Establishing the sui generis characteristics of theater we can define the relationship between director and actor, taking into account that our reality is a collective production groups have - at least inside the country - features cooperative and self-management. All to contribute to the vision of actor advocates multiple independent theater movement, so combine various disciplines. Another aspect discussed was the recommendation of Constantine: the theater director, to be considered as such, should be: the producer - director - playwright and actor (Constantin Stanislavski, Early Stage Management - Edgar Zeballos). So, for the great teacher, the principal may act, of course, is not recommended in the same assembly. This contradicts the simplistic view Festtas makeshift jury, prohibiting a Director acts. Then, Mario Delgado, Alberto Isola, Alfonso Santistevan should not act (?).

in theater history there were periods in which the importance was given to the text, direction, scenery, etc., But from Jersy Grotowski argues that while the actor is a fundamental element of the process theatrical production, but this production can not result of a single creative personality. No. It is the sum of all the efforts where no one is inferior to anyone.

The workshop gave an overview crowded theater history and management, in a single day since a day is impossible to treat so vast subject. But it affected the Phoenician theater and Lino praises to God and how the Greek theater in its early days had no divisions, all could act and had no private ownership of the characters. The theater was born of popular festivities, religious ceremonies in the village.

The workshop basic exercises and games were also performed improvisations and analog counterparts and suggested management guidelines to address work-trigger of transitive verbs, active and generative words, the rhythm, music, dance. For reasons of time not worked on the theatrical element, from which can be generated sequences.

attention was given to the preparation of the actor's body as a source of sound and movement, every exercise and / or game should stimulate the creativity of the actor, which joins with the sincere emotion physical actions. Productivity and incentives are concatenated dialectically director with the creativity of the actor.

put on record that there are different ways of approaching the analysis of text and address, as diverse are the current and theatrical styles.

work in the workshop fragments of poems by CĂ©sar Vallejo and Nicomedes Santa Cruz.
would have been advisable to work a little text, this task is pending, as local theater, which opened its corporate local 28th August 2010, will serve not only for theatrical distribution, will continue the workshops and above all be a space where weary feet nomadic globetrotters playwrights have shelter and clothing.

Congratulations to Julio Montesinos and his group Pakaritambo that from Italy - Palermo has had the generous idea of \u200b\u200bputting all your savings in this creative enterprise. Everyone can send donations to July, Yawar proposes to donate at least one seat for each group or any other element that serves the audience that has three floors and 200 square meters of total dimension. At the opening are invited everyone, at least they are committed: the Experimental School of Mime, Yawar, Waytay, all groups of Huacho, Huaura, Chancay and there are up to two groups that will come from the jungle, his theater.

Deputy photos of the workshop.

On 28 August will be a party Huacho

For the Theatre, provided
A Viada all

NOTE P-23.6
-U-Law Change June 23 Doc


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