Wednesday, May 7, 2008

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"The House of Bernarda Alba"

07. 06. 2008

Corrientes 1218

SATURDAY - 20:30 hrs.

hope your comments on our blog.
Many Thanks!

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Bernarda Alba

A Work From

WITH: Lilian
Fittipaldi - Carmen Mastroberti - Lidia Pampin - Andrea Ruiz - Lelia Bazán - Trinidad Giachino - Giselle Fernandez - Alejandro Brol - Sandra Avendaño - Adriana Alvarez - Mariana Favieri - Yanina Gruden - Rocio Vazquez - Dora Cerutti.

Assistant Director:

General Production: FERNANDO

General Management and Staging:

Saturday - 20:30 hours


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The House of Bernarda Alba


A Work From

WITH: Lilian
Fittipaldi - Carmen Mastroberti - Lidia Pampin - Andrea Ruiz - Lelia Bazán - Trinidad Giachino - Giselle Fernandez - Alejandro Brol - Sandra Avendaño - Adriana Alvarez - Mariana Favieri - Yanina Gruden - Rocio Vazquez - Dora Cerutti.

Assistant Director:

Costume Design:

Set design:

General Production: FERNANDO

General Management and Staging: JUAN MANUEL

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"La Casa de Bernarda Alba"

"In Valderrubio-at that time still called the Garcia brothers Foul-owned, in Broad Street, two houses.
On the same street lived a widow, Frasquita Alba, with her four daughters. After his father's death, the kidnapped mother behind closed shutters. Never went out except to go to church, hidden beneath black veils, and could not breathe in the yard or patio, a very small, the door, just the width of a cart, was on a side street.

The eldest daughter, born from his first marriage Frasquita was ugly and rich. Attracted by her dowry, Pepe de la Romilla, the cutest boy Asquerosa, asked her to marry and was allowed to speak of love to the bars of the window. Once this duty done, met in the darkness of night, the younger sister, Adela, as appealing as no money.

This story went to Frederick, and for the people, a delight. The house of his father was in front of the house of Alba. As the poet arrived was the attraction of Foul, both daughters of Frasquita as for the other, and nothing much fun seeing, as he passed, how almost imperceptibly moving windows and watching inmates. We also had fun singing and dressed in blue pajamas sitting in the doorway, accompanied by the guitar:

Asómense the window!

not look through the cracks!

Next to the house of his uncle lived Alba Garcia and the poet found that, from a dry well that was in the middle, you could hear everything going on in the courtyard of the widow, talks, fights for women -Mother, daughters and servants, whose confinement stirred jealousy, hatred and contempt among them. Federico down the well and pointed his ears.

Caught in the subject, even had the intention of leaving the widow's name Frasquita:
- My mother begged me to call her otherwise: "If you represent the work just think what a scandal!"
Bernarda Frasquita be called, but could not accept the sacrifice of the name: Alba sounded so good!
will give the widow and a daughter of the Romilla Pepe become Pepe el Romano. Nameless characters of "Bodas de Sangre", the Bride, Father, Mother, has come to give of Bernarda Alba something like an identity card.
So-La Casa de Bernarda Alba "
Marcelle Auclair.

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A stylized realism takes us into the house of single women who are spending time locked to Despite himself, which seems to miss the air and breathed death, not only at home but in mourning, in the sense of belonging to a class, what people think. In the contest between these multiple enclosures embodying Bernarda and the desire for freedom and personal fulfillment on their daughters-especially through the man and maternity-born conflict and tragedy explodes.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

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: Federico García Lorca


(Spain, 1898-1936)

English poet and playwright, is a national writer of this most famous of the twentieth century and one of the supreme artists. His murder in the first days of the English Civil War made him a particularly notable victim of the Franco regime, which contributed to know his work. However, sixty years after the crime, its valuation and its universal prestige permanenecen unchanged. Born in Fuente Vaqueros (Granada), within a well off family economic status. High school and studied music in his hometown and, between 1919 and 1928, lived in the Residencia de Estudiantes, Madrid, an important center of cultural exchange where he befriended the painter Salvador Dalí, filmmaker Luis Bunuel and poet Rafael Alberti also, among others, who wowed with her many talents. New York and traveled to Cuba in 1929-30. He returned to Spain and wrote plays that made him famous. He was director of La Barraca university theater, speaker, songwriter and had great success in Argentina and Uruguay, countries that went in 1933-34.Sus first poems were collected in book of poems, 1921, an anthology that has great achievements. Organized in 1922 with the composer Manuel de Falla, the first festival of cante flamenco, and that same year he wrote precisely the Poema del cante flamenco, though not published until 1931. Prime Gypsy Ballads, 1928, is a great example of poetry composed from popular materials, and offers a mythical Andalusia through a dazzling metaphors and symbols like the moon, the colors, horses, water, or fish, intended to convey feelings where love and death stand out strongly. After the Poems in Prose, New York wrote in a prophetic and metaphysical great cycle in which the author is committed to the oppressed, while bringing out their obsessions intimate. The cycle would consist of two books, Poet in New York, written between 1929 and 1930 but not published until 1940, and Earth and Moon, from which the poems were included in Divan del Tamarit, completed in 1934, although it was published posthumously. Qualified many times surreal, the poems of this key work of García Lorca's Poet in New York, expressed horror at the lack of natural roots, the absence of a unifying myth or a collective dream that give meaning to an impersonal society , violent and torn. For its part, the incomplete Sonnets of Dark Love, written during a season in New England (U.S.), expressing a personal desperation and are a wonderful samples eroticism, that have only recently been released. Another important poem of Lorca, in the line of populism, is the Lament for Ignacio Sánchez Mejías, 1935, an elegy composed on the death of the bullfighter intellectual, friend of many of the poets of the generation of Lorca. While Six Galician poems, the same year, they manage to transcend the obvious popular references. Lorca's theater is next to Valle-Inclan, the most important written in Castilian in the twentieth century. This is a scene of a very wide range with fantastic characters as symbols or death and the Moon, lyrical, sometimes with a deep sense of the forces of nature and life. Among his farces, written from 1921 to 1928, highlights of Don Cristóbal Tragicomedy of Don Cristobal and Puppet, puppet parts, and especially The Shoemaker's Prodigious Wife, a work of Andalusian facing reality and imagination. It also belongs to the category of farce The Love of Don Perlimplín Belisa in his garden. Between 1930 and 1931 are classified as "unrepresentable dramas," The public and So spend five years, works complex influence of psychoanalysis, who stage the same act play, the revolution and homosexuality from a complex system correlation. Two are rural tragedies Bodas de sangre, 1933, and Yerma, 1934, which combine mythology poetic worlds and reality. In Dona Rosita the Spinster, 1935, addresses the problem of the English maid, which also appears in The House of Bernarda Alba, completed in June 1936, and that criticism is often considered the seminal work of Lorca. Early in his career had also written two modernist dramas, The Curse of the Butterfly (1920), Mariana Pineda (1927). The world of García Lorca is a creative capacity, powers of synthesis and natural ability to capture, express and combine the greatest amount of poetic resonance, without apparent effort, and reach perfection, not as a result of a technique achieved with effort, but almost at once. The variety of shapes and shades is dazzling, with love, presented in a cosmic sense pansexualist, infertility, childhood and death as primary reasons. Their positions fascist and his fame became a fatal victim of the Civil War, in Granada, where he was shot.

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Actor and Director of Performing Arts (Official Title)

Studies : Race Course "Actor and Director of Performing Arts" in Film Research Center (CIC). Nelly theater Canell POSCO. Paul Corti theater. Musical Comedy with Rubén Alexander Roberts and Levin. Teatro with Claudio Martinez Bel. Body Training with Viviana Iasparra. Seminar Theatre with Lito Cruz. Hugo Midon theater at the Cultural Center's Teatro San Martín. Guillermo Flores theater. Body Training with David Lady. Performance Against Monica Gazpio cameras. Analysis of theatrical texts Sagaseta Julia Elena. Martin Goycoechea theater. Direction and staging with Bernardo Cappa. Bernardo Cappa theater. Lighting Design Gonzalo Córdoba. Action against Victor cameras Bruno. Set and Costume Workshop with Silvia Bonel. Art Direction Bonel Silvia. Sound Design with Gabriel Paiuk. Show Production Design Carlos Tkizian. Singing and Voice Education Lesgart Ruben. Some of his works: As Actor: "Seven Screams at Sea," "Our Natacha", "Tango Rock, Seven Encounters with Sin," "Unfinished Symphony", "The Ten officers," "Follies in the West "," No Suicide in Spring "," Entierrasepia "," Fallen Grace. " Actor and director: "The Third Word" "The Bread of Madness," "La Dama del Alba", "Seven Screams at Sea." With the "Co. Musical Theatre: "Les Miserables", "Dracula, the Musical." As Director: "Venice", "The poisoner of the Lake House," "Pocahontas", "La Casa de Bernarda Alba", "Mi Cristo Roto." With the "Co. Musical Theatre: "Sleeping Beauty", "Beauty and the Beast," "Snow White. A New Musical "" The Hunchback of Notre Dame "," Great Music "," Musical Evening "," Musical Fantasy " "Broadway Show." Currently
General and Artistic Director of the Academy of Musical Comedy "Musical Theatre Company ( ) which also is a professor of theater. He is Professor of Theatre in Secondary School "Calasancio Instituto Divina Pastora" and a Theatre Workshop in the "Circle Miñor Valley Recreation.
Awards and Honors: was awarded the Noble Foundation, ADEEPRA and CAIEP by the Office of the book "The Ten officers" in the National Theatre Olympics. He was awarded a National Deputy in the Café The 36 Pool "by the Office of the book" The Ten officers. " He was honored by the Legislature of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires for the work done in the "Musical Theatre Company"
Personal Blog:

Monday, May 5, 2008

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Assistant Director: Yanina Gruden




Education: Theatre: School aesthetics of Morón, House Culture Haedo, open space with Roxana Randon, Seminar drama works (open space), Teatro read with Guillermo de Lorenzo, Seminar with Alejandro Catalán, Universidad del Salvador (Race Drama), Julio Baccaro Performance, Performance II Eduardo Pavelick and Lorena Vega, Gabriela Clown with Biebel, Natalia Morel Jazz Dance, Body Training (Universidad del Salvador) with Gabriela Romero, Popular Song Lyric and Laura Llionelli, Acrobatics (Circo Videla), Acrobatics on fabrics in the Cultural Center "The Transformer. " Some of his works: "Pinocchio and Snow White, they look magical balloons", "COLD" (group LVDM) Business: Supermarkets NORTH. "

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COSTUMES: Sandra Avendaño



designer and director of theatrical costumes

Education: 28 years of experience in Design and Implementation of Children's Apparel, Women and Haute Couture. Degree in social communication. Course "The World of the Image" School training, retraining and upgrading. Workshop Integration Theatre: School training, upgrading and updating. Day of Art, Education and Culture at the National Academy of Education. Workshop Picture Costume Design for Theatre, Film and Television with Maria Alejandra Soto at the Centro Cultural General San Martín. Some of his works: Design and Realization curtains and drapes for theaters. Making Costumes for School Construction and samples and Musical Theatre. Costume Design and Realization of Children's Theatre for the musical play "Pocahontas" held at the Inst C. Divina Pastora. Costume Design and Implementation for Musical Theatre, "Musical Evening" "Broadway Show" for "Musical Theatre Company."

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SCENOGRAPHY: Ezequiel Procopio



Sets Plastic artist and

Theatre Education: Bachelor of Fine Arts "Rogelio Yrurtia "Teaching Art. Currently studying the Bachelor in Visual Arts at IUNA scenic guidance. Musical Comedy Studio at the Academy of "Musical Theater Company, directed by Juan Manuel Sodorini. Currently studying at School of Julio Bocca. Some of his works: Assistant Plastic Workshop held during the exhibition mega Raul Soldi. Flag Design and Implementation of Alumni Travel, Clubs and Events. Horneros assembly in the Houston Museum on the outskirts of the city to the artist Sophie AltaVista. Design, Implementation and scenography of musical child's play: "Pocahontas" in the Divina Pastora Calasancio Inst. Making Caps for the parade made for "The Night of the Museums." Implementation and Installation of Events: Work Closing Party - Event Secretaries in the Hotel Aspen. Making and Decorating Birthday party halls for fifteen, Links, Business and Social Events. Construction assembly and display for the work of Cecilia Propato "La-45. I will not mourn, that's because I'm tired "at the Teatro Del Nudo.

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Actress: Lisa Fittipaldi


Studies: Theatre Games Workshop with Anahí Martela, Performance with Esteban Fagnani, Theatre Production Workshop with Stephanie Fagnani, Workshop Monologues with Anahí intensive Martela, Improv Theater Workshop with Jorge Uslenghi, State Actor Workshop with Rafael Spregelburd, Sentiment Actor Workshop with Lito Cruz, Race Actor and Director of Performing Arts in Motion Research Center - CIC Seminar Summer Intensive with Ricardo Bartis, Workshop Performance Against Gazpio Monica Chambers, Training Actoral with Light Quin. Some of his works: In Theatre: "The left hand", "Sisters and seller", "Saverio, the cruel", "Martin Fierro", "The Whore and the Holy", Professor of Theatre Games in Park Patricians, "Las de Barranco", "The Poisoner of the Casa del Lago", "Entierrasepia." In Film: "El Mañana" (short film), "The Blind" (short film), "Lost" (short film), "Euthanasia" (short film), "La Primavera de Vicente" ENARCO Thesis, "Casa tomada" ( short film), "Camila" (corotmetraje)-adr voice - "The funeral of Tita" (film). On TV: "Son de Fierro" (Participation), "Help, my daughter is 15 years (FOXLIFE). Commercial: "Movistar".

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ACTRESS: Actress Carmen Mastroberti


Education: Theatre and Performance with Osvaldo Suarez, acting training with Marta Bermudez, Alfredo De Vita Theater, Theater Production advanced Susana Molina, Speaking: "The art of speaking" with Claudia Cardoso, English dance, classical, rock & roll, folk, salsa, merengue, jazz, tango. Jazz Dance, Classical and contemporary at the Academy of Musical Comedy "Musical Theater Company" with Mariana Favieri. Theater and acting techniques with Juan Manuel Sodorini. Some of his works: "300 Millions, "" The Physician Palos "Item Jury Theater:" expreciones Student Art Exhibition - Cultural "(Gualeguaychu Young)," And tomorrow is another day ... "Tango exhibitions in different institutions," The Stock Exchange Hot Water, "" Dear Dad "," Martina and Mary: the love and struggle. "

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: Lidia Pampin


Education: His studies in theater are very recent: it is prevented from starting in the same with Juan Manuel Sodorini (2006 - 2008). Folk Dance Study and English Dance. Some of his works: Children's Theatre from 1985 to 1999 in institiciones education, "the poisoner of the Casa del Lago", "La Casa de Bernarda Alba."

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ACTRESS: Andrea Ruiz


Education: Victoria Fugazzotto Canto, Jazz Dance, Classical and Contemporary at the Academy of Musical Comedy "Musical Theater Company" with Mariana Favieri, 4 Timbre Theater Tolcachir Claudio, Juan Manuel Sodorini Theatre, Performance to Alicia Bruzzo - Clown, Expression Body, Make-up Art and Text Analysis - Acting with Jorge Rodriguez, Walter Rosenzweit Performance with the "Centro Cultural Ricardo Rojas." Some of his works: "The Italian Straw Hat," "La Casa de Bernarda Alba", "The Poisoner of the Casa del Lago", "Blood Gorda", "Yerma" (fragment), "Life is Dream "(excerpt)," The Fox and the Grapes "(fragment).

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Education: Training Actoral - Acting, improv, Body Training, Jobs vocals - in the Cultural Center Macedonio Fernández. " Musical Comedy at the Academy of "Musical Theater Company" - Actors Theatre and Technique, Voice and Voice Education, Dance, Jazz, Classical, Contemparánea - with Juan Manuel Sodorini and equipment. Some of his works: "Tango Rock. Seven meetings with the Sin "," Madness in the West "," Venice. " With "Musical Theatre Co.:" Les Miserables "," Great Music "," Dracula, The Musical "," Musical Evening " "Musical Fantasy", "Broadway Show."

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Lelia Bazán: Trinidad Giachino


Education: (1996-1998) Theatre - Studio Theatre Integral - Alma Vélez and Juan Carlos Thorry with Alma Velez Theatre - San Martín Cultural Center Fernando Sureda, Theatre with training in body language, Cultural Centre Studio Theatre Enrique Santos Discépolo with Damian Rios, Contemporary Dance, Modern Dance with Daniela Skate, Theatre - San Martín Cultural Center Ricardo Oliveira Lake. Some of his works: "soup", "The son, "What says the grandfather, Holy Word," "Essence," "The House of Bernarda Alba," "The Letter", "The Other Side of Light", "Health of the Sick" (adaptation ), "Fidelio." Movies: "Erzebet" (Feature), "The sky elected" (film). Dance: Festival of the Conservatory "Art" Participation in "Gymdance tour." Commercial: (Mexico) Product "Barcel.

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ACTRESS: Gisele Fernández


Education: (1994 - 1998) Education voice modulation and breathing techniques, expressive rhythmic movement, Improvisation, Body Training in the "New Chicago Cultural Center." (1998 - 2000 and 2003) Training Actoral in the "Fray Mocho Cultural Center." (2003 - 2008) Musical Studies at the Academy of Musical Theater Company "with Juan Manuel Sodorini and equipment. Some of his works: "La Dama del Alba", "The Third Word", "La Casa de Bernarda Alba", "Doll House", "Judith and roses," "An Irish rain," "George Dandin : husband cheated. " As part of Samples: "The Conventillo of the Dove," the cockpit "," Las de Barranco "," the tragic hope. With the "Co. Musical Theatre: "Les Miserables," "The Hunchback of Notre Dame", "Great Music", "Dracula, The Musical", "Musical Evening", "Musical Fantasy", "Broadway Show".

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ACTRESS: Alejandra Brolly


Education: Introductory Course Theatre Cultural Center General San Martín, Introductory Course Theatre 2 nd level at the Centro Cultural General San Martín, Workshop for Advanced Theatre 3 rd level with Monica Boccia, course of dance and body expression, Training Theatre Level 2 and 3 with Lorenzo Quinteros, training workshop acting with Lorenzo Quinteros, Arab Dance Studio, Tango is currently studying at the Centro Cultural San Nicolas. Some of his works: "Made in Lanús (adaptation)," Inside "(adaptation)," A New World, "" Terror and Misery of the Third Reich "(adaptation of scenes)," Changing Planes " "liturgy." Participates in the "2 º Art Marathon" with excerpts from "Cooking with Elisa" and "Change of Plans." Participate in "100 years of theater Idish in Argentina" with Liturgies (fragment), Uncle Vanya, "" liturgy. " Video Clip involved in Central American singer Carlos Ponce (item: Conceived without Sin), "Old Times", "The Drama of Samuel", "The Golem", "Las de Barranco".

Sunday, May 4, 2008

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Actress: Sandra Avendaño


Education: Course Jazz Dance, Gymnastics Course and Jazz, Gymnastics Course for Children and the elderly, Integration Workshop Theatre, Day of Art, Education and Culture, Image Workshop and Theatre Costume Design, Musical Studies at the Academy of "Musical Theatre Company," Jazz Dance, Classical and Contemporary Technique Actors and Acting, Singing and Voice Education, with Juan Manuel Sodorini and equipment, acting training with Juan Manuel Sodorini. Some of his works: Actress, dancer and singer in the show "Broadway Show" made with "Cia Musical Theatre.

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actress: Adriana Alvarez


Education: Teachers in Latin Rhythms , Aerobics and Fitness Instructor Located, Partenaire - Free Latin Jazz - Tango, Pilates Instructor - Mat Training Seminar in Musical Comedy at Centro Cultural General San Martín, improvisation techniques, application of texts out of context, body with Juan Carlos Pereyra, Castilian applied to dubbing Neutral performance with Cecilia Gispert. Vocal Training: vocal technique, breathing, relaxation-interpreting code Fugazzotto Victoria. Musical Comedy: Technical and physical training for the actor / Dance: jazz, classical, contemporary, stretching, choreography / musical technique, voice training with Juan Manuel Sodorini and equipment in the "Musical Theatre Company." Some of his works: "The Neuropsychiatric" Presentation of the School of Singing in various theaters. Actress, dancer and singer in the show "Broadway Show" by the "Co. Musical Theatre.