Wednesday, May 7, 2008

What Is Some Southern Slang

"La Casa de Bernarda Alba"

"In Valderrubio-at that time still called the Garcia brothers Foul-owned, in Broad Street, two houses.
On the same street lived a widow, Frasquita Alba, with her four daughters. After his father's death, the kidnapped mother behind closed shutters. Never went out except to go to church, hidden beneath black veils, and could not breathe in the yard or patio, a very small, the door, just the width of a cart, was on a side street.

The eldest daughter, born from his first marriage Frasquita was ugly and rich. Attracted by her dowry, Pepe de la Romilla, the cutest boy Asquerosa, asked her to marry and was allowed to speak of love to the bars of the window. Once this duty done, met in the darkness of night, the younger sister, Adela, as appealing as no money.

This story went to Frederick, and for the people, a delight. The house of his father was in front of the house of Alba. As the poet arrived was the attraction of Foul, both daughters of Frasquita as for the other, and nothing much fun seeing, as he passed, how almost imperceptibly moving windows and watching inmates. We also had fun singing and dressed in blue pajamas sitting in the doorway, accompanied by the guitar:

Asómense the window!

not look through the cracks!

Next to the house of his uncle lived Alba Garcia and the poet found that, from a dry well that was in the middle, you could hear everything going on in the courtyard of the widow, talks, fights for women -Mother, daughters and servants, whose confinement stirred jealousy, hatred and contempt among them. Federico down the well and pointed his ears.

Caught in the subject, even had the intention of leaving the widow's name Frasquita:
- My mother begged me to call her otherwise: "If you represent the work just think what a scandal!"
Bernarda Frasquita be called, but could not accept the sacrifice of the name: Alba sounded so good!
will give the widow and a daughter of the Romilla Pepe become Pepe el Romano. Nameless characters of "Bodas de Sangre", the Bride, Father, Mother, has come to give of Bernarda Alba something like an identity card.
So-La Casa de Bernarda Alba "
Marcelle Auclair.


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