Monday, May 5, 2008

Diaper Genie Troubleshooting

SCENOGRAPHY: Ezequiel Procopio



Sets Plastic artist and

Theatre Education: Bachelor of Fine Arts "Rogelio Yrurtia "Teaching Art. Currently studying the Bachelor in Visual Arts at IUNA scenic guidance. Musical Comedy Studio at the Academy of "Musical Theater Company, directed by Juan Manuel Sodorini. Currently studying at School of Julio Bocca. Some of his works: Assistant Plastic Workshop held during the exhibition mega Raul Soldi. Flag Design and Implementation of Alumni Travel, Clubs and Events. Horneros assembly in the Houston Museum on the outskirts of the city to the artist Sophie AltaVista. Design, Implementation and scenography of musical child's play: "Pocahontas" in the Divina Pastora Calasancio Inst. Making Caps for the parade made for "The Night of the Museums." Implementation and Installation of Events: Work Closing Party - Event Secretaries in the Hotel Aspen. Making and Decorating Birthday party halls for fifteen, Links, Business and Social Events. Construction assembly and display for the work of Cecilia Propato "La-45. I will not mourn, that's because I'm tired "at the Teatro Del Nudo.


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