Tuesday, May 6, 2008

North Face Breast Cancer Awareness




Actor and Director of Performing Arts (Official Title)

Studies : Race Course "Actor and Director of Performing Arts" in Film Research Center (CIC). Nelly theater Canell POSCO. Paul Corti theater. Musical Comedy with Rubén Alexander Roberts and Levin. Teatro with Claudio Martinez Bel. Body Training with Viviana Iasparra. Seminar Theatre with Lito Cruz. Hugo Midon theater at the Cultural Center's Teatro San Martín. Guillermo Flores theater. Body Training with David Lady. Performance Against Monica Gazpio cameras. Analysis of theatrical texts Sagaseta Julia Elena. Martin Goycoechea theater. Direction and staging with Bernardo Cappa. Bernardo Cappa theater. Lighting Design Gonzalo Córdoba. Action against Victor cameras Bruno. Set and Costume Workshop with Silvia Bonel. Art Direction Bonel Silvia. Sound Design with Gabriel Paiuk. Show Production Design Carlos Tkizian. Singing and Voice Education Lesgart Ruben. Some of his works: As Actor: "Seven Screams at Sea," "Our Natacha", "Tango Rock, Seven Encounters with Sin," "Unfinished Symphony", "The Ten officers," "Follies in the West "," No Suicide in Spring "," Entierrasepia "," Fallen Grace. " Actor and director: "The Third Word" "The Bread of Madness," "La Dama del Alba", "Seven Screams at Sea." With the "Co. Musical Theatre: "Les Miserables", "Dracula, the Musical." As Director: "Venice", "The poisoner of the Lake House," "Pocahontas", "La Casa de Bernarda Alba", "Mi Cristo Roto." With the "Co. Musical Theatre: "Sleeping Beauty", "Beauty and the Beast," "Snow White. A New Musical "" The Hunchback of Notre Dame "," Great Music "," Musical Evening "," Musical Fantasy " "Broadway Show." Currently
General and Artistic Director of the Academy of Musical Comedy "Musical Theatre Company (
www.teatro-musical.com ) which also is a professor of theater. He is Professor of Theatre in Secondary School "Calasancio Instituto Divina Pastora" and a Theatre Workshop in the "Circle Miñor Valley Recreation.
Awards and Honors: was awarded the Noble Foundation, ADEEPRA and CAIEP by the Office of the book "The Ten officers" in the National Theatre Olympics. He was awarded a National Deputy in the Café The 36 Pool "by the Office of the book" The Ten officers. " He was honored by the Legislature of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires for the work done in the "Musical Theatre Company"
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