Monday, May 5, 2008

Ap Biology Lab Manual-lab 1 Questions

ACTRESS: Gisele Fernández


Education: (1994 - 1998) Education voice modulation and breathing techniques, expressive rhythmic movement, Improvisation, Body Training in the "New Chicago Cultural Center." (1998 - 2000 and 2003) Training Actoral in the "Fray Mocho Cultural Center." (2003 - 2008) Musical Studies at the Academy of Musical Theater Company "with Juan Manuel Sodorini and equipment. Some of his works: "La Dama del Alba", "The Third Word", "La Casa de Bernarda Alba", "Doll House", "Judith and roses," "An Irish rain," "George Dandin : husband cheated. " As part of Samples: "The Conventillo of the Dove," the cockpit "," Las de Barranco "," the tragic hope. With the "Co. Musical Theatre: "Les Miserables," "The Hunchback of Notre Dame", "Great Music", "Dracula, The Musical", "Musical Evening", "Musical Fantasy", "Broadway Show".


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