Monday, September 27, 2010

Cramping And Egg White Cervical Mucus

have sought to create performance pieces from organic event in which the action / movement leading the scene, thereby creating common language shows : the body.

The purpose is to share creative processes and spaces and teaching in the search for contemporary performing forms. Lichen circuit includes actors, dancers, performers of bodywork and aerial techniques. The company's headquarters Mexico and Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Surge in Mexico in 2003. Since its inception we have sought the unification of the contemporary scene, understanding the risk and aesthetic factor of each set, risking in plastic compositions that promote action and interaction with the audience, creating environments and atmospheres to own unique experiences. Each representation bet to break the limits of imagination.

SPEAKS!. It is the eighth show of the Company. Precede:

Ÿ MEASURE FOR MEASURE William Shakespeare, Theatre Workshop of the Angel, Buenos Aires Argentina 2009.
Ÿ JACQUES AND HIS MASTER Milan Kundera produced by the Instituto Cultural de Aguascalientes, Mexico 2008.
Ÿ say goodbye. Theatre Air Show produced by the Festival Cultural de Aguascalientes, Mexico 2008.
Ÿ THE Nomenclature. Tribute to Fernando Pessoa in the Alley Theatre Space in the City of Buenos Aires, with the participation of guest directors: Ana Alvarado and Alan Robinson. Buenos Aires, Argentina 2007.
Ÿ CLIP CLAP, CLOP. Show Street Theatre and Circus produced by the International Cultural Festival, Mexico 2005. Ÿ
THE FLIGHT OF SUNFLOWERS. rooftop one-man show. Teatro Morelos, Aguascalientes, Mexico 2004.
Ÿ SWAN ALL THERE IS A SNAKE of Sylvia Plath. Produced by liquid circuit. Teatro Leal and Antonio Romero, Mexico 2003.


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