Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Scissor Jacks Hidden Blade

Ashari Literary Cafe. Speaker: Abigail Medina

Because the bridge holiday, the start of the course
postponed to next week.


Objective: Through literary analysis, build a space for reflection on human conduct , making a habit literature not only entertainment but a tool for self-knowledge.

Target audience: General public interested in reading and literary analysis.
Hours: 17:00 to 19:00 Monday
Duration: 12 sessions of two hours
Cost: $ 1,800.00
Home: September 20, 2010. / * New start date: 27

.- Integral awareness awareness-responsibility, social self.
II. Introduction to three types of reading, reading horizontal, vertical and bridges.
III. Reading comprehension reading comprehension vs.
IV. Development of cognitive skills to deepen the analysis of texts.

Reports: in
or Pilar Villanueva 0445514910837 or 0445529391792
with Esteban Montes.

career Graduated from the Drama and Theatre Arts, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, UNAM. Since 1999 teaches the art of English I, II and III at the secondary level. MYP Personal Project Coordinator from 2002 to 2006. Interests in Congress: "The world view of a playwright and the process of creating a play" Paper presented at the Third National Congress of the Mexican Association of Theatre Researchers AMIT, FFyL, March 1999. 2 nd meeting Children's Literature, Universidad Iberoamericana (May 2003). International Congress on Children's Literature "To read the XXI" IBBY Cuba, La Habana, Cuba. (November 2003). Courses taken: Middle Years Programme International Baccalaureate Language A (January, 2001, 2003). Personal Project (January 2004). International Baccalaureate School in Commercial Banking. Significance of Potential Development and Learning, Cooperative Learning. Dimensions of Learning. Evaluation. Inverted design. Affective Skills Development in the Classroom. Discipline with Dignity. Differentiated instruction. Emotional Skills Development. Constructivist Alternatives Evaluation. Tanesque Education Center, AC (2002 to 2004)

As author: Blog for teachers on the textbook Valley Estela Guerrero and Sara Silva Cabañas, English 1, for secondary level Editorial Castillo. (2007). And teacher's guide in English 5, World Series friend to primary education. Editorial Castillo. (2010).

Apeiron founding member of Theatre troupe with thirteen year career, participating as an actress in the assemblies Electra, by Sophocles, The Little Theater Pocket, The Fairy Fate, The strongest and weakest chronicle of two delusions, under the general direction of Fernando Martinez Monroy, has ventured into drama with the play "Manuela" also directed by Martinez Monroy


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