Friday, September 17, 2010

Does H Pylori Cause Aches And Pains?

News 25 News 24 Die Torgeir

THE NEW GENERATION OF DESIGNERS CULTURAL is comforting the emergence of this new generation of goldfinches singing, thinking and struggling for bread and beauty: Rebeca Ráez - Mauricio Delfin - Guillermo Cortes - Mónica Carrillo, Jorge Miyagi, Bruno Ortiz, Eduardo Espinoza, Paloma Carpio , etc. If will join Miriam Reategui, Delfina Paredes, Ernesto Ráez, Aureo Sotelo, Enrique Victoria, Luis Gonzales, Duller Vasquez, Arturo Valero, Edgar Perez, David Ortiz, Luis Tolentino, Jaddy Gamero, Marjorie Evans, Mary Soto, Mavi Marquez ... Well, stop counting, no one would win in any fighting global education, art and culture. Exactly , Rebecca Ráez, despite being away, lives with his ear and mind put into our hearts. Many, we are close and - paradoxically - we are far, and we believe they do not keep silent about the events of these days that are shaking and shaking all of our artistic world. If the concept of culture is not well understood by anthropologists, less so will our Founding Fathers. What frightens them most is to believe - erroneously - that culture is a "cost" and a "fun" more (?). On the contrary, gentlemen, when well managed, is a source of foreign exchange in any country and not confuse fun with entertainment. MPs - not to be an athlete - you jumped to the pole of international treaties: the Declaration of Mexico (1982) - Agreements of the World Commission for Culture - UNESCO (1998) - the Stockholm Conference, all, all raise the participation of the people, nothing should be imposed from above. No. All social sectors must be involved, suddenly, with few organized sectors. other hand, all we say and where are the so-called historical drama groups? And if we do not agree, a fortiori, to show our disagreement, but not just protests, but proposals. Well, here's the proposal Ráez Rebecca Reategui, which lives up to its illustrious theatrical name: Talk Rebecca:

After reading the summary of the meeting convened 29/06/2010 by Amateur Artists Association and the valuable assistance of their representatives, as well as studying the document "Strategic Directions for the promotion of cultural policies of Peru" in 2008, generated by 300 cultural managers from different specialties; present this contribution As a model of action between the Ministry of Culture and Performing Arts Guild, a model can be considered for other genres, and adapted to the needs of each region.

The Ministry of Culture should be conceived as a coordinating body and organizer of any artistic endeavor, without the bureaucratic obstacles formidable tradition in our country. We can not imagine the artists behind the desks full of files Kafkaesque. Similarly, we can not imagine a culture run by an accountant. Sui generis force of this organism is that it is composed of creative people, generating ideas. Thus, the dynamics of the organization can be only in relation to other existing ministries and own history. It's about creating the conditions so that logistics managers and cultural operators, educational institutions, tourism promotion agencies, producers and administrators can all gather at one table and raise the conceptual axes that can be designed and printed in concrete reality. All activities covered within a constitutional framework nationally and internationally.

The structure of the Ministry of Culture requires a third Deputy Minister: the contemporary arts. The Vice Ministry of Heritage is in some ways a continuation of the policies implemented by the INC Monumental Heritage both (with aberrations already mentioned in earlier documents), the Multicultural work closely with regional municipalities placing value on each of the traditional terms of cultural heritage and intangible heritage of our nation and promote the dissemination and sharing them. This is a broad topic that deserves another article and discussion in due course. None of these ministries take into account the contemporary arts and all the guild of artists who work and play in this area: the performing arts (dance, theater, circus, performance), music, photography, architecture, cinema. Why

consider the performing arts and what is the importance of their presence in our cultural activities?

will lay out a concrete example of crossover work of culture as a central hub that brings together non-exclusionary policies with other ministries, of how you can create new jobs, making an investment culture and a source of income, production new mechanisms of social and artistic. By way of guidance, this document is a proposal.


Students in primary, secondary and university level should experience the theater in its various stages of creation: the trial process, the final result presentation in their classrooms or on the campus of study and experience acting as a tool of artistic practice and personal development.

observe a process or laboratory test, the possible construction from an empty space and the relationship between a director and actors, helps find a concrete and tangible work of creation. The exchange is necessary because the theater needs to create an audience and keep the children are few active spectators, nothing escapes them, are alert to details. This new age (child, youth and university theater has ever seen) can ask questions, discover and respect the work stage, the artistic work. The opening dialogue between two worlds creates a bridge and a necessity. The student who has experienced the theater again another day. Being professional means that behind much of the artistic work, be a spectator and consumer potential of cultural events throughout his life.

To produce this model, the cultural structures that have rooms - AAA, Vichama Center, Japanese Peruvian Theatre, Teatro Segura, Larco Auditorium, Plaza ISIL, U Catholic Cultural Center, Zoom U de Lima, among others nationally that MOTIN brings the best way-that are responsible for production contemporary theater, devote an open space for these meetings school. We know that an open trial has minimal costs and that if each group shares a test, many students will benefit. Likewise, the theater companies can come up with proposals for schools, and made on the spot. All schools in Peru should embrace our art forms at least once a year and cultural structures should promote this spread. The cultural directions municipalities can build a network of exchange and generate artistic presence in its territory. A play, out to museums and education of our traditional dances will be mandatory in educational curricula, and this is the best partnership that the Ministry of Education can achieve with our Ministry, as required cross budgets of both parties. All cultural structure will focus its actions to the promotion, distribution, programming, evaluation and teaching of arts education in the country.

The representation of a play is a magic moment of art and every student has the right to experience this event. The theater and questions, generating dreams and new ideas. Basa their stories on real events and transforms them into possible universes. The public observes the theater learn to think and discuss, because they enjoy a play means understanding a language of multiple dimensions. So

performing artists from the world of dance, theater, circus, will have to carefully analyze what messages they want to stage for our children and college students. I take this opportunity to question the work relating to corporate brands such as Disney or Barbie, prompting an audience of children and anonymous consumers, away from our rich culture and history. Peru's theatrical scene is the living experience of our cultural diversity and needs to strengthen this road. Our identity and our writers have been represented by groups that have been doing in a quiet but steady work. We can not deny past efforts, nor those to come.

Finally (but not end) the practice of drama provides the tools for leadership and personal development for our children and college students deserve. A presentation with personality and clarity of tone, speak no panic in front of an audience, being a natural person without complex communication overcoming any obstacle, that is the value that a student needs to excel in the classroom and in the near future, in their workplace. Peru needs creative leaders, and new generations reflective and self-management. Art experience is key to national education, and provides a holistic view of student training, and thus proposes to overcome the limits of academic training of our education. The student is not a repository of information, is a creative, generating ideas and solutions. Is a critical citizen, and transform their society.

None of these practices exclude the participation of the private sector through sponsorship and other formulas applied successfully in neighboring Latin American countries.

The presence of the theater in the classroom is a small contribution which gives us an idea of \u200b\u200borganization of interest between civil society, artists and agreements between the Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Education. It poses a communication between all cultural structures (in a democratic and non-elite) and the need for a national census of independent artists, associations and cultural institutions. We need to know how we are, what we do and what our area of \u200b\u200baction; statistics study. At the heart of our community of actors suggests new production and management proposals for education - cultural, the challenge is to project quality and budget expenditures and revenue generating. The government officials claim the immediate need to restore arts education in the compulsory conceiving artistic presence as a generator of employment, economic activity and new ideas, in mutual relation to education and tourism policies, strengthening the cultural presence combining the needs of our three deputy ministers: multicultural, heritage and contemporary arts. Rebecca Reategui


July 2010 Gift Pictures Rebecca: (l) is brewing chicha "- Histrión - (2) Parade unforgetable - Trujillo - (3) FESTINF - to the theater early education is organized Peru - Huánuco 2010 (4) The theater inside the country - Huacho (5) The Book of the Sample ( 6) First Congress on Cultural Policy (7) Artists theater of all time ...

A Viada all

Temoche carlos thomas v. Yawar ac

PROPOSALS CULTURAL AND MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS The scheduled meeting on Tuesday, June 29, 2010, the Amateur Artists Association was a success not only by the number of attendees, but also by the quality and representation of them, noted the presence of Aureo Sotelo, Miriam Reategui, Delfina Paredes, Enrique Victoria, Arturo Valero, Juana Medina, Daysi Sanchez Marquez Mavi, Marjorie Evans Luis Paredes, Ximena Arroyo, Martin Medina, Martin Molina, Paloma Carpio, Jorge Miyagi, Juan Del Mar, etc. most of them intervened after the excellent exhibition of cultural animator Guillermo Cortes. summoned and were at the presentation Mary Stewart, Thomas and Bruno Ortiz Temoche representing Sing Editors, Cultural Association and Bruges Yawar Productions. As usual Eduardo Espinoza - Trujillo - President of the Independent Theatre Movement of Peru, presided over the meeting. Juan Vilches also attended, representing the Southern Regional Show Theatre - Puno. Guillermo Cortes, promises provide exposure for publication, mainly for other groups within the country. The undersigned these lines, made notes taken on the fly - not always accurate - about some interventions, which were mentioned proposals. Many were not limited to the subject, but also addressed the issue of the Ministry of Culture: - OSWALDO CARHUALLANQUI, editor - I'm the printing industry, president of graphic artists. - Authorities imposed by law while the needs of society. - We are uprooted, we have no representation. - Municipalities are the main entities to implement the cultural scope, so do not go in the Law of the Ministry of Culture. They only care about charging fees, taxes. The authority is not listening. - MAVI MARQUEZ, cultural promoter - It is difficult to promote in our culture. - I am concerned that the Ministry of Culture, is equal to the Ministry of Environment, which does nothing without a budget. - We must participate and not leave them all alone. - PALOMA CARPIO, cultural community and encourage - My questions are: how to strengthen our cultural sector ? How we function as participatory sector? . There is no political will for participation. - That put a big screen in the Plaza Mayor, to watch the World Cup was something unnatural. - If we merged the cultural creators would have a political action how do we reverse the disinformation? - Miriam Reategui, actress, director Theatre - is a very generic culture project, implemented in the former it does not relate to cultural management. Has nothing to do with our identity, our folklore, cuisine, literature, etc. - We have to organize, organize all - not just the performing arts - all linked. Do not leave everything to bureaucrats. - We must speak what is culture? , You must have a unified concept of culture. About us . We need a cultural census, we do not. How many are we? Where are we?. - From this meeting, we must organize. Make several meetings. - Aurea SOTELO, playwright, theater director - You have to prefer the culture and cultural heritage education. - visible the culture, respect the authors and creators cultural. - See also and worry about what happens inside the country, the school play, respect for the values. - ENRIQUE VICTORIA, actor - As we speak now is the Ministry of Culture, if it is created, we are delays. - The project forget the culture alive, I'm not interested in defending cultural heritage, not defend what I do, I'm an actor, I defend mine. - Only two vice ministries: multiculturalism and heritage and living arts "? How many eat poetry?. - The Law of Patronage does not include sanctions. That does not happen what happened with earlier grants for projects, presentations, promotions, took silver and no one was penalized. - DELFINA WALLS, actress - What attitude we take off the municipal elections? What's the big deal?. The budgets are intended to spend on infrastructure and monuments and then put them plaques and posters. Why there are no plates in schools with the names of the teachers?. We are filled with plaques and posters, there is a grace why do we accept?. Make statues of horses, the condor ... - With the participation of a Japanese president unions were the hole. - What basement placed this ministry?. - Culture and education are linked. - Why gas is sold and we pay 35 soles? - The players should worry about what happens in Bagua in Inambari. - Delivering a document to sign. - DAYSI SÁNCHEZ, actress, cultural manager - I do as cultural management in the north. - Many pull for proposers mill. I was quoted for many town hall meetings and nothing happened. Case different with Spain Cultural Center. - The municipalities do not know where to go. - Bureaucracy is not going to provide the best conditions. - We do not just fun. - up to us, hear us of our strength and we are taken into account. - ARTURO VALERO, actor, cultural manager - Ministry and Municipalities are distinct entities. In the project, it is referred to as the performing arts. - We are not organized. - participate as neighbors do not know. - There are many art institutions that never manifest, so the mayors do what they want, so get to anyone. - Where are the organized sectors to complain? How can we organize to complain? How can we organize ourselves and protest when the law is not fulfilled?. - PEDRO LEO - I protest against bullfighting. - According to an organization. - Some companies only support what they consume chicha and perverts. - ANGELA, communicator - no spaces for meetings - With William, we agree, there are differing views, seek consensus. - They, the director of the INC and the President of the Republic does not think like us. - The state has an obligation to the public. - Not only is role of business and patronage. Today the law of patronage has been included in the Law of the Ministry of Culture. - MARJORIE EVANS - Actress, promoter (sent - later - a precision writing) - A Ministry will for what, to apply for grants? "To sort of culture?. I do not see ... "So that there is more supply? Consensus "? Conventions? "Agreements between countries? what else ... "so that there is an item that announced it will not be, or if any, would be minimal? "Streamline the laws of the Artists. Exist and the Ministry of Education has not been able to achieve anything. Is achieved through a Ministry of Culture? Argollero is it? that already exists without ministry. Art in politics will remain the same for the poor, but with another look, the new look of the offer "more choice? of the existing one is there? or will be for the same groups but now stuck or moving through the ministry. - It is not pessimism. Rather than offering policy seems to me there should be POLICY to create demand and we have a ministry to that, that only so can the Ministry of Education. - should establish policies to ensure that culture is consumed, from schools, colleges and universities, that is, being obligatory, they imagine all schools in the theater, the concerts, ballet, the symphony, etc. That would be more useful because it also would be governed by the law of supply and demand with public insurance and income for all, but instead from the Ministry of Culture, will remain the same filter that already exists without the ministry, the ring. He talked politics (ha ha), my friends is my humble opinion. - I thought that one of the most Delfina was sensible and the exhibitor. In other words, do a procedure for the exclusion of the performing arts and do a project, bringing the two together. ------------------------------------------------ ------------------- At the end of the interventions, Guillermo Cortes made clarifications given in the document promised, what most stood out was the phrase "we must go beyond protest, must arrive at the proposal. " The final heat had several offers: Oswaldo pledged to work on prints, Angela to create a blog, select a network for communication to another meeting invite with the other arts, etc. -------------------------

Here are two statements on the subject of the Ministry of Culture, Language and Rebecca Alex Ráez. For Rebecca, only add to be taken into account in his speech, also advanced by the Independent Theatre, Theatre Samples Peruvian National Workshops, the Independent Theatre Movement, the FESTTAS, FESTEPYS; Theatre Festivals of the cones, which are real networks and not mentioned ... Thomas

In the same spirit: "Creating

Ministry of Culture an unknown process?

First, the generation of a bureaucratic entity, not at all unknown in Peru. To quote a recent

example, the Ministry of Ecology, with a respectable character in front, which he defended, passionately, as if it were life-Decrees 015 and 073, if I remember correctly, which resulted in the fatal Baguazo, a minister who is supposed to move in another sense, as promoting and selling the Lotización Rain Forest especially oil and gas interests. And so consistent and conscious of their actions when presented with a fait accompli and revealed the government reverses the blessed decrees he continues to minister.

Why Baguazo Jungle and the here and now? We'll see.

There is indeed a complex problem concerning the myriad of relationships that are between the comforting social groups and their products, beliefs, artistic expression, cosmogpnía, way of looking at death, in short, everything that can be considered cultural. In other words, the Peruvians, which he mentions, does not amount to a culture, but a complex mosaic of ethnic groups and nations that are different cultures, many of which develop and persist and survive in this rich and wide area Peru to our many interests will have their eyes, and whose scholars, usually from outside the region or foreign, show us two truths and one not. Some agree that it is delayed in a population where the hand of the state has never been present. Hernando de Soto entered with other interests, readily apparent when reading his latest book. But to keep the compass should be made clear that relations must be viewed in a transverse horizontal axis, not vertical. By coordinating bodies of the various areas that are intended to engage in a ministry that embraces all who believe, do, say, move and / or transformed by man.

"There is only one truth: the culture in our country is ancient, vast, complex? First we

recognize that this is not mentioned peruanidad CULTURE excipient but many, many.

And if everyone has their own ways of seeing life, their own philosophies, to which we put in front of the Ministry of Culture?

Our libraries are great works that the very poor reading comprehension level of our country makes very few that understand what is said and endorse them as true those "truths" that even threaten them. This great "achievement", the reading comprehension level where we are as a country, to which we can attribute Ministry? "MINEDU?

Is this, achieving a single government? I do not think it is of importance have been attributed to various ministries of education through the history of the educational process. And why we are where we are. Unable

an important ministry and central to the development of the country and will create one that will affect, in each case, in administrative proceedings and of itself should be included in the TUPA in other sectors.

quite complex.

The Ministry of Culture that artists should embrace the Recovery Ministry, Promotion, Sponsorship and Broadcast Arts. If included in the ENSAD, ENF José María Arguedas, Los Conservatory of Music, the ENB in order to the managing bodies of the activity of artistic training and were returned by the same artistic level university professional training, we can discern what the real intention of doing something positive for the cultural arts in Peru and not the hidden desire to increase bureaucratic population of the country.

Otherwise, Where do I submit my CV? ALEX

With the intention of opening a space for all opinions and positions on the government's proposal that we all agree.

From: Rebecca Raez
Date: June 30, 2010 5:56
Subject: The Ministry of Culture of Peru
The creation of the Ministry of Culture of Peru deserves our thinking and our delivery. Like any unknown process, the new structure causes confusion, doubt, questioning. There is only one truth: the culture in our country is ancient, vast, complex. To study and address it in all its magnitude, one must understand cross. That means, as a central vertical axis across other ministries. Our culture is present in education and in the way we are educated, in our communication and how we express and propagate messages in our daily lives and our celebrations. This culture is in studies of sociology, anthropology, history, philosophy and all those sciences that allow us to deepen it. In our country there is a most excellent research tradition, our great libraries containing works that make us understand more clearly and precisely because we are where we are and what we are.

Similarly, the culture produces many artistic. I speak from the world of creators of contemporary art. I speak of our arts, our cinema, our dancing, our great painters are a breed of teachers visually the sculptors, I speak of music in all its expressions, rock, classical music, the waltz, huayno, salsa. These expressions are also included our architects of the nineteenth and twentieth sui generis shaping the profile of our city and documentary photographers of the recent past. Culture is not only the transverse axis of our identity, it also helps us understand and focus our peruanidad. Only by understanding our culture we see a concrete future, tangible. An assessment, rescue each of these events because they represent the face of our country. Put another way, without them we would be anonymous, a bad copy of something far away, a mask that speaks for others.

We must concentrate our forces. You have to understand the creation of a Ministry as a historic act and we must transcend political act. The Ministry will survive to other governments and it is imperative that artists make it their own, in its proposals, in their debates. The Ministry of Culture of Peru must be understood as an institution that recovers, evaluates and projects the local civic and artistic initiatives that have been done in recent decades. NGOs, universities and cultural centers, associations of education through art, CONACINE, the International Theatre Institute, the ENSABAP, the APDAYC, any institution that performs a task in the field, with an enriching and unique Gender has to assist in this ministry project, contributing their knowledge and value, and analyzing how the ministerial hierarchy can help strengthen the structures that comprise it. The Ministry of Culture of Peru will be based on these columns ... without them its collapse is likely.

can not say that has not done anything for the culture in the country. On the contrary, there have been Herculean efforts and achievements that deserve our respect. However, these merits are isolated, because there has been no umbrella organization that covers all the work of civil society in a compelling and pragmatic. The cultural policy of the National Institute of Culture was the notion of historical monuments and folk tradition, while supporting our National Ballet and Symphony Orchestra. The INC has to recognize that the dynamics of dialogue with contemporary artistic expression has been limited without creating opportunities for exchange, challenge, motivation, support and financing for the generation of cross-cultural projects. The INC continues to grant permits for the destruction of architectural heritage of Lima, our beautiful old houses are being destroyed by impersonal buildings that could well be erected in other new areas, not in our historic neighborhoods, symbols of our identity, such as happened to the beautiful home of Avenida Arequipa Marsano, today called Compuplaza. That's the great contradiction of the INC unforgivable. The people and the artists we demand proper accountability, otherwise, the facts speak for themselves.

This issue deserves our attention and raises the dialogue between individuals and organizations. Learn from the best of each experience, we risk something that can bear fruit. Understand the benefits in the short, medium and long term. The pension rights of performers, the pension in recognition of the cultural work, for example, are issues that must be lifted in due course. The investment in culture is urgent and requires a human commitment. Not repeat the story of the dairy and the pitcher, on the contrary, this work is step by step, stone by stone. Notice how the brick masons are passed from hand to hand, think of how our ideas can be a piece of something bigger. Thus, our ministry needs of a minister. This person must have an action profile in the field of culture. And their actions must demonstrate a work of cultural strategies, this person is required to have a cross section of our art. At the same time, the Minister Minister has to understand he can not work alone but as a team. You must be surrounded by the most outstanding that have been doing exemplary work each in his field. I speak of the architects, actors, filmmakers, musicians, educators, photographers, dancers, painters, sculptors, anthropologists, sociologists, philosophers, archaeologists, journalists, writers and all those who feel it is time to transcend cultural project together in a total the complexity of our history, with all the efforts that this demand.

Rebecca Reategui

Actress and Director Studies in Management and Cultural Policy


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