Friday, September 17, 2010

How To Unlock The Spinning Cross In Mw2

News 28 News 27 News 26

NEW SCHOOL SHOWS Last Wednesday July 14, 2010, I was invited as a jury to evaluate the school parade in the district of San Miguel. Now is the wisdom to accompany the traditional school parades with theatrical parade. As everything that happens is immersed in a context, caused me to accompany this point the video attached to the University of Lima, sent earlier this year by Lucho Paredes and kindly provided by Rafael Hernández. Enjoy the video:

Yes, you can also reverse the destructive powers - which marks the video - in constructive energies the presence of art as a need for communication at all times and places. I mean, so to speak ... The school parade and parade held in the district of San Miguel, is a good measure House of Culture of the district, ably led by Carmen Márquez. I realized that was a touch of color and warmth in the winter cold in Lima. I was attracted to the invitation saying - among other things - "Faced with the glorification of military values \u200b\u200band military parades of school, here are highlighted democratic values \u200b\u200bbelonging to a culture of peace." should add that the psychology of the child is sui generis according to their age, where not only are changes in physiognomic variations, organic and biological. The child's psyche is not equal to adult. So in these parades, it is well to emphasize the awareness in the defense of our borders, also the defense of our values \u200b\u200band deep sense of patriotism, so now some schools also parade with colorful banners. These creative activities channel children's energy and youth to achieve psychological maturity that both claim. was nice to visually see the lady of Cao, the Lord of Sipan and Chullachaqui jungle. Film school now Live. So the thought is materialized, the abstract becomes concrete. Children and young people having fun creatively and feel good. Most dances and refer to the work of man of the sea, the mountains and jungle. COUNTRY ARE ALSO OUR BROTHERS Farming. I put it in capital letters. A rescue our ancestral dances are as the color of the Devils who started clapping sound. The boys are very sandunga, the fine grain of salt Lima waltz. Here the exiled tenderness if present. Is the alternative to social environments and atmospheres ungrateful violent destructive. If we can foster more of these activities provide alternatives to insecurity, anxiety, mistrust, fear and rascismo depths, lower values, unjustified rebellion, hatred of others, discrimination, etc.. But in the school curriculum the cultivation of art should not be a gift, or offered for good measure and at times inadequate. Recreation exists as a human right, sponsored by the United Nations. Touch the state to promote and further promote these activities and parents support. When I developed a theater workshop in San Martin de Porres invited parents to attend as spectators. They saw Live as the art develops attention, sensitivity, observation, memory and turns children into sponges for learning other subjects. Goodbye lack of reading comprehension with drama. Especially art gives emphasis on cooperation, solidarity and love of neighbor. Parents agencies novel communication techniques with their children, were most amused and promptly attended. If humanity has always suffered from generational conflict, art has always been the engine of progress. Today there breakneck speed with the technological development of the audiovisual media. The world is a village where we learned right away to the existence of a cephalopod witch. But this speed is not consistent with the slow progress in philosophical, sociological, political and moral, but art can reduce this dissociation. recognize, look in our ancestral dances of striking rich, earthy power, also counteracts the distortion of truth in society, which provides coverage to the scandal in most media. Fear and violence are generated when these means are used only for commercial purposes. And the media are neither good nor bad, either channeled to develop a constructive, educational and cultural. If the TV breaks down the art part. Art is a glimmer of hope. Finally, why not turn to art and culture now that gangs are no longer a problem in the city center. Sociologist Jorge Yeshayahu estimated that there are 539 gangs in the country, I think more. If the gang is developed through a code of loyalty to the head of it and a place that welcomes them in this feeling of separateness that comes to our youth, the cultivation of art in a holistic manner can be one of the solutions. To conclude this point in the parade are present points with the popular culture of the Andean world view: - ALLINTA MUNAY encompasses in a single word values, morality, the principle of integrity, self esteem the desire of improvement which was the starting point of the Inca Empire. - ALLINTA LLACHAY, knowledge, learn the good, and demolition training to overcome obstacles. - ALLINTA RUHAY, who is doing what we do must be done good, do it with love, love of work, saving ..... Carlos thomas
v. Temoche Yawar ac


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